Cell Division - MITOSIS


A level Biology Flashcards on Cell Division - MITOSIS, created by Charlotte Willis on 02/01/2018.
Charlotte Willis
Flashcards by Charlotte Willis, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Willis
Created by Charlotte Willis almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a Chromosome? -DNA coiled form -formed during Interphase in plants/animals -made up of two identical sister chromatids joined by a centromere -carries 2 copies of the same DNA molecule
What is a homologous pair of chromosomes? A pair of chromosomes: 1 maternal (mother) 1 paternal (father) - carries SAME GENES but different ALLELES -23 pairs in the humans
What is Cell Division -FOrmation of new cells in multicellular organisms (animals and plants) -2 methods ( meiosis and mitosis)
What is Meiosis The cell division that produces different haploid cells as gametes for sexual reproduction
What is Mitosis Cell division that produces genetically identical cells for growth + repair of tissues
What does Mitosis produce? 2 genetically identical cells, Diploid (full set of chromosomes/ DNA)
Benefit of Mitosis? Growth and repair of cells/ tissues
Stages Cell Cycle SYNTHESIS - DNA Replication GAP 1 (G1) - cells grows and produces necessary proteins MITOSIS - Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphate, Telophase GAP 2 (G2) Organelle Synthesis
Stages of Interphase G1 Synthesis G2
Stages of Mitosis Prophase - DNA coil into chromosomes, nucleus break down, spindle fibres form Metaphase - Chromosomes line up along equator, spindle fibres attach via centromere Anaphase - spindle fibres pull, split centromere, sister chromatids move to opposite poles Telophase - Chromatids uncoil, nucleus reforms ( 2 identical nuclei left)
What is Cytokinesis? Separating cell into 2
What happens to DNA mass in mitosis? Halves
What happens to the chromosome number in mitosis Stays the same (Diploid)
What is cancer? Formation of a tumour due to uncontrollable cell division (mitosis)
How does uncontrolled cell division occur? -due to mutation of DNA/cell forming cancer cells -mutation can occur randomly or due to mutagens (chemicals/radiation) -Cancer cells are rapidly dividing cells ( like hair, skin etc) they spend less time in interphase and more in Mitosis
Treatment for Cancer? -Sugary - remove tumour -Chemotherapy - using drugs that inhibits mitosis in rapidly dividing cancer cells (hair, skin, etc effected) -Radiotherapy - radiation used to destroy the cells
How does Bacteria do Cell Division? Binary Fission -Copy their DNA and separate into two genetically identical bacteria (asexual)
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