Planting and Maintenance-Compost


Flashcards on Planting and Maintenance-Compost, created by Nigel Tay En Yi on 24/08/2014.
Nigel Tay En Yi
Flashcards by Nigel Tay En Yi, updated more than 1 year ago
Nigel Tay En Yi
Created by Nigel Tay En Yi over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is composting? Composting is the process in which organic material is broken down by decomposition into a usable material called compost.
What is compost? Compost is a mixture of decomposed/decaying organic material. Plant or Animal. That is humus like.
What are the benefits of compost? (2) It is a good Soil Conditioner(1), and it allows the slow release of nutrients(2).
In what ways does compost improve the soil as a soil conditioner?(5) 1. Improves soil structure and volume of pore spaces. 2. Improves drainage and aeration. 3. Improves water holding capacity. 4. Improves the water retention (Water is gradually released.) 5. Improves root growth.
Things to note when building a compost pile. 1. Easily accessible location, but out of sight. 2. Close to a water source. 3. Close to the garden with easy access. 4. Minimum dimensions of a compost pile should be 0.9m X 0.9m X 0.9m.
What are the principles of making good compost? 1. Proper Aeration (Forking releases excess CO2 and provide pile with oxygen) 2. Sufficient moisture (Adequate water in the pile encourages microorganism growth. Damp but not soggy) 3. Nutrients (Nitrogen must be added to the pile to replenish the nitrogen taken up by the microorganisms. Recommended application for each new layer) 4. Temperature (temperature of 45C - 70C) 5. Source of microbes (From plants that die at 43C, second type raises temps higher) 6. Addition of soil (Retains moisture, nutrients, and is a good source of microbes too) 7. Proper location (Shaded, well drained and solid foundation) 8. Ground limestone (For layers without fertiliser application, reduces acidity) 9. Surface area (Finer ingredients allow quicker break down for microbes)
How to make a compost heap? 1st layer-Coarse Organic Material (Branches, leaves. Allows air circulation) 15-20 Cm 2nd layer-Fertiliser (To replenish Nitrogen and reduce Carbon-Nitrogen ratios) 2.5-5 Cm 3rd layer-Soil or organic matter (Introduces micro organisms into the mix to break down the organic matter) 2.5-5 Cm
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