
PSC Flashcards on VM, created by Luke Hansford on 08/01/2018.
Luke Hansford
Flashcards by Luke Hansford, updated more than 1 year ago
Luke Hansford
Created by Luke Hansford about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who's needs need to be considered and what types of needs are they? Owners - functional, operable Producer - Compliable, producible Community - ethical, sustainable
What are the VM key elements? Focuses on needs and objectives Focuses on function Uses creative thinking to develop solutions Makes choices based on value Involves stakeholders through workshops Workshops have facilitators & structured agenda
What are the VM benefits? Clarifies & validates needs/objectives Improves quality, understanding and ownership of project brief Improves team working Reduces reworking Improves programmes Produces sustainable agreements ACHIEVES BETTER VALUE
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