L&B Wk 1 - rotator cuff muscles


Flashcards on L&B Wk 1 - rotator cuff muscles, created by Emma Watt on 11/01/2018.
Emma Watt
Flashcards by Emma Watt, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma Watt
Created by Emma Watt about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
supraspinatus origin on scapula - supraspinous fossa insertion on humerous - superior facet of the greater tuberosity function - abduction
infraspinatus origin on scapula - infraspinous fossa insertion on humerus - middle facet of greater tuberosity function - lateral rotation
teres minor origin on scapula - lateral border of scapula insertion on humerus - inferior facet of greater tuberosity function - lateral rotation
subscapularis origin on the scapula - subscapular fossa insertion on humerus - lesser tuberosity or humeral neck function - medial rotation
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