Key Terms: Ancient Greek Philosophy 1: Aristotle


RS OCR Aristotle
Izzy Noone
Flashcards by Izzy Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Created by Izzy Noone about 7 years ago

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Material cause That out of which a thing is made. The material cause of a statue is its marble or bronze.
Formal cause The blueprint which guides the thing towards its full realisation
Efficient cause The process which brings the thing to thing to completion (eg, the growth of the acorn).
Final cause That for the sake of which (as, for instance, in the case of the oak tree, to produce more acorns, to produce timber, to please the eye, etc.) a thing comes to be.
Brute facts Things that are just there, without any explanation.
Potentiality Imperfection, partiality, finalisability
Actuality Perfection, completeness, totality.
Actus Purus Pure actuality.
The Prime Mover Aristotle’s term for God. God moves without being moved in return.
Necessary Something self-explanatory: it has to exist, and cannot be conceived not to.
Contingent Something whose explanation lies outside itself. It therefore might have existed differently, or not at all.
Aseity From the Latin a se esse, being from oneself, usually translated as “self existence”. Has at least four aspects.
Don Cupitt (1934-) An English philosopher of religion and scholar of Christian theology. He is an Anglican priest and an emeritus professor of the University of Cambridge
Sempiternal The quality of being inside time but lasting for ever. Not the same thing as eternal, which involves being outside time.
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