Key Terms: The Ontological Argument


Ontological Argument
Izzy Noone
Flashcards by Izzy Noone, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Noone
Created by Izzy Noone about 7 years ago

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Proof A demonstration that something must be true.
Probability The likelihood of something being true (or false).
A priori Independent of sense experience.
A posteriori Dependent on sense experience.
Inductive or empirical reasoning Reasoning that arises from sense experience, and leads to a posteriori conclusions
Deductive or rational reasoning Reasoning that arises independently of sense experience (mostly, mathematical and logical knowledge), and leads to a priori conclusions.
A fallacy A logical error.
Anselm (1033-1109) The founder of the Ontological argument.
Proslogion Anselm’s book.
Necessary existence Something with this cannot not exist.
Gaunilo A French monk and contemporary critic of Anselm.
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) Formulated an updated version of the Ontological argument.
Innate ideas The ideas that are present in a human being’s mind at birth.
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) A critic of the Ontological argument. Said existence isn’t a property.
Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) A critic of the Ontological argument.
A predicate A compound made up of ‘is’ and some property a thing possesses. Eg, ‘Hannah is tall’.
First order predicates First order predicates tell us about things, eg, ‘TWGGS was founded in 1905’.
Second order predicates Second-order predicates tell us about concepts, eg, ‘TWGGS is an abbreviation’.
Norman Malcolm (1911-1990) Devised a version of the Ontological argument based on the idea that although bare existence is not a predicate, necessary existence is a predicate.
Alvin Plantinga (1932- ). Devised a defence of the Ontological argument built around the notion of ‘possible worlds’.
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