Disorders of ovulation


under grad Clinical Endocrinology Flashcards on Disorders of ovulation, created by Bhavi Mistry on 02/06/2013.
Bhavi Mistry
Flashcards by Bhavi Mistry, updated more than 1 year ago
Bhavi Mistry
Created by Bhavi Mistry over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hyperprolactinaemia pathology Depresses GnRH, therefore decreasing FSH and estrogen, thus cessation of Follicle stimulation, and a decrease in bonestrength
Hyperprolactinaemia treatment: DA agonist (bromocriptine, prevergroline)
Hypothyroidism and infertility -->Increase in TSH --> decrease in T4/3 --> Increase in TRH --> Increase in prolactin --> -GnRH and FSH
Hypothyroidism treatment Thyroxine replacement
Estrodiol 2-OH Dominant estrogen in pre-menopausal women
Estrotriol 3-OH Found in pregnancy produced by the placenta
Estrone Ketone Post menopausal
Endometrial glands Eventually produce glycogen for endometrial noursihment Mucin - glue for embryo implantation
PCOS Features Black pearl necklace (US) Follicles appear in the periphery of the ovary (cortex) Maturing follicles are larger than normal and ovaries enlarged
PCOS symptoms and signs Amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, mennorhagia, overweight, acne, hisutism, insulin resistance, non-insulin dependent DM
Theca cells Responsible for androgen and progesterone production
Granulosa cells Convert androgens to oestrogens with aromatase
PCOS pathology Rate limiting step is conversion from androgens to oestrogens Too much androgen sitting around will move into the circulation as it is not being converted to oestrogen by the follicle
PCOS pathology Sexhormone binding protein carries androgens and oestrogen, and is suppressed by androgens, which increases free androgens in the circulation
PCOS (III) Infertility Androgens --> + pituitary --> LH above normal levels, they're normally released in a pulsatile fashion, but they become tonic. If LH is tonically released, there is no ovulation and therefore no progesterone and no FSH therefore no stimulus for the follicles to grow
PCOS (IV) menorrhagia Normal estrogen levels, and no progesterone --> endometrial lining grows infinitely --> heavy bleed when it can grow no more Predisposition to cancer
PCOS treatment: Hormonal injection Needs to be super physiological to overcome infertility
PCOS treatment clomiphene citrate Induces withdrawal bleed to decrease chances of endometrial hyperplasia
PCOS treatment: Ovarian diathermy Burning ovary androgen producing tissue Allows normal function for 5 - 6 months - buys time for conception
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