
Raquel Patiño
Flashcards by Raquel Patiño, updated more than 1 year ago
Raquel Patiño
Created by Raquel Patiño over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Infinitive Be past participle Been
Infinitive Beat past participle Beaten
Infinitive Become past participle Become
Infinitive Beging past participle Begun
Infinitive Bite past participle Bitten
Infinitive Blow past participle Blown
Infinitive Break past participle Broken
Infinitive Bring past participle Brought
Infinitive Build past participle Built
Infinitive Buy past participle Bought
Infinitive Cath past participle caught
Infinitive choose past participle Chosen
Infinitive Come past participle Come
Infinitive Cost past participle Cost
Infinitive Cut past participle Cut
Infinitive Do past participle Done
Infinitive Draw past participle Drawn
Infinitive Dream past participle Dresmt -ed
Infinitive Drink past participle Drunk
Infinitive Drive past participle Driven
Infinitive Eat past participle Eaten
Infinitive Fall past participle Fallen
Infinitive Feed past participle Fed
Infinitive Feel past participle Felt
Infinitive Fight past participle Fought
Infinitive Find past participle Found
Infinitive Fly past participle flown
Infinitive Forget past participle Forgotten
Infinitive Forgive past participle Forgiven
Infinitive Freeze past participle Frozeen
Infinitive Get past participle Got
Infinitive Give past participle Given
Infinitive Go past participle Gone
Infinitive Grow past participle Grown
Infinitive Hang past participle Hung
Infinitive have past participle had
Infinitive Hear past participle Heard
Infinitive Hit past participle Hit
Infinitive hold past participle held
Infinitive hurt past participle hurt
Infinitive keep past participle kept
Infinitive know past participle known
Infinitive lay past participle laid
Infinitive lead past participle led
Infinitive leave past participle left
Infinitive lend past participle lent
Infinitive let past participle let
Infinitive lie past participle lain
Infinitive light past participle lit
Infinitive lose past participle lost
Infinitive make past participle made
Infinitive mean past participle meant
Infinitive meet past participle met
Infinitive pay past participle pald
Infinitive put past participle put
Infinitive read past participle read
Infinitive ride past participle ridden
Infinitive ring past participle rung
Infinitive rise past participle risen
Infinitive run past participle run
Infinitive say past participle said
Infinitive see past participle seen
Infinitive seek past participle sounght
Infinitive sell past participle sold
Infinitive send past participle sent
Infinitive set past participle set
Infinitive sew past participle sewn
Infinitive shake past participle shaken
Infinitive shine past participle shone
Infinitive shoot past participle shot
Infinitive show past participle shown
Infinitive shrink past participle shrunk
Infinitive shut past participle shut
Infinitive sing past participle sung
Infinitive sink past participle sunk
Infinitive sit past participle sat
Infinitive sleep past participle slept
Infinitive smell past participle smelt
Infinitive speak past participle spoken
Infinitive spend past participle spent
Infinitive spread past participle spread
Infinitive stand past participle stood
Infinitive steal past participle stood
Infinitive stick past participle stuck
Infinitive strike past participle struck
Infinitive swim past participle swum
Infinitive swing past participle swum
Infinitive take past participle taken
Infinitive teach past participle taught
Infinitive tear past participle torn
Infinitive tell past participle told
Infinitive think past participle thought
Infinitive throw past participle throwm
Infinitive understand past participle understood
Infinitive wake past participle woken
Infinitive wear past participle worn
Infinitive win past participle won
Infinitive write past participle written
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