VET Entertainment - Equipment Identification


VET Entertainment - equipment identification
Flashcards by cmiller2889, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cmiller2889 about 10 years ago

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Question Answer
1/4 jack
BNC (vision)
5 pin DMX
HDMI (audio visual)
RCA (audio visual)
S-Video (vision)
Speacon (Audio)
USB to 3mm jack (ipod)
Pacific Profile
PC spot
What accessory is shown here? Barndoors
What accessory is shown here? Donut
What type of lens is shown here? Fresnel Lens
What accessory is shown here? Gobo
What accessory is shown here? Gobo Holder
What type of accessory is shown here? Gel Frame
What is this piece of equipment? Dimmer Rack
What type of equipment is shown here? 4 pack dimmer rack
What are these? Batten of flood lights (Cyc)
What is this piece of equipment? Patch Panel
What type of lens is this? PC Lens
What are the 3 shaping functions on this light 1. Gobo 2. Shutters 3. Focus Knob
What accessory is this? Top Hat
What is this process called? Auxillary Send and Receive
What is this piece of equipment? Compressor
What is this piece of equipment? Decibel Monitor
What it significant about this piece of equipment? Safety screwdriver
What is this piece of equipment? Equaliser
What is this piece of equipment? Foldback Speaker
What does this computer program do? Spectrum Analyser Indicates problematic frequencies
What is this type of mic? Stereo Condensor
What is this type of mic? Ribbon
What is this type of mic? Condensor
What is this type of mic? Lapel
What is this type of mic? Dynamic
Name the components shown here. Head set mic Transmitter Receiver
What type of stage is this? Transverse
What type of stage is this? Proscenium
What type of stage is this? Thrust
What type of stage is this? Arena
What type of stage is this? In the round
What type of theatre setting is this? In the Park
What 3 curtains are shown here? 1. Grand Curtain 2. Valance 3. Teaser
What 3 types of curtains are shown? 1. Legs 2. Borders 3. Cyc
What is the purpose of this curtain Fire Curtain - to separate BOH and FOH in event of a fire
What structure is this? Double Purchase fly system
What structure is this? Single Purchase fly system
What is this structure? Flat
What is this structure? Revolve
What is this structure? Rostra
What is this structure? Trapdoor
Name this knot. What is it used for in the theatre? Hitch tying curtains
Name this knot. What is it used for in the theatre? Truckers Hitch securing elements on a truck
Name this knot. What is it used for in the theatre? Reef Knot Tying up packages or large scrims for transport
What material is giving this effect? Scrim
What is this material? Scrim
What is this product? Lighting Gel
What is this product? Gaff
What is this product? Spike Tape
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