Legionella Control International Legionella Awareness Flash Cards


First day training Flash cards suitable for LCA 9000, LCA 9010, LCA 9011
Paul Jeffreys
Flashcards by Paul Jeffreys, updated more than 1 year ago
Paul Jeffreys
Created by Paul Jeffreys about 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Legionella Like ? Temperature 20C - 45C Stagnant Water Biofilm Amoeba Iron L-Cysteine Oxygen
Chlorine Dioxide An Oxidising Biocide Does not react with water Almost 100% Biocidal Activity at pH 10
Written Scheme of Precautions Who does what Legionella related Tasks, when and at what frequency.
Aerosol created by water impacting on any surface infected droplets < 5 microns can reach deep into the lung.
Assets that generate a risk are Dead Legs Dead Ends Taps Showers Long Pipe Runs Expansion Vessels
Guidance on Managing Cooling Towers to mitigate the risk of Legionnaires disease
Guidance document released 2016 Spa Pools
Written Scheme of Precautions Describes Who does what Legionnaires related tasks and at what frequency.
How oxidising biocides kill a bacteria like legionella by denaturing proteins in the cell wall.
Amoeba Protozoa Plays an important part in the life cycle of the Legionella Bacterium
Graph demonstrates that HOCL and HOBR become less effective as the pH of the water increases. Chlorine Dioxide remains effective even at pH 10
Hydrogen Peroxide an oxidising biocide that produces Oxygen and water when it reacts with bacteria.
A petri dish for developing Legionella Black because of the ingredients in the culture media.
System Schematic Required to enable a suitable and sufficient Risk Assessment, Can be hand drawn or computer generated
Legionella Training Training is required for all those involved in the control of the Legionella risk in the premises water systems.
Risk Assessment Rating System Can be colour coded or numerical but must be clearly understood and unambiguous.
Chlorine an oxidising biocide has universal use in potable water disinfection. Residual range typically 0.1 ppm - 0.5 ppm
Rust or Corrosion Leads to reduced water flow, stagnation of water and provides Iron to the Legionella bacterium, one of its required nutrients.
Design Features of a Cold Water Tank Insulated Screened from vermin and insects Well fitting lid Expansion return routed to a tundish Inlet and outlet diametrically apposed
Those at risk middle aged men Immune compromised Alcoholics Diabetics Those with Heart Lung Kidney Disease Smokers
Found in soils and waters even in potting compost
Legionella is not contagious person to person. A person gets infected by breathing in an aerosol from a contaminated water source.
Planktonic Free Floating Bacteria Sessile Adhered to surface
Sequence of events and conditions that creates an increased risk in water systems from the Legionella bacterium.
Desired Features of a Calorifier Insulated Temperature Guages Inspection Hatch Drain Shunt Pump Easy Access
Copper & Silver Creates Copper & Silver Ions These disrupt the metabolism of bacteria
Ultra Violet Light Kills Bacteria by damaging DNA Not very effective against estblished biofilms Better in new or virgin water systems
Biofilm A home and nutrient source for Amoeba and water borne pathogens including Legionella. Very difficult to kill biofilms either with high water temperature or oxidising biocides.
Flexible Hoses If they contain EPDM will present a risk due to internal cavities. These present areas for bacteria to proliferate
SPA POOLS If poorly maintained can present an infection risk from a number of water borne pathogens.
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