

Flashcards on Psychology , created by makaylap0221.bcs on 03/09/2014.
Flashcards by makaylap0221.bcs, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by makaylap0221.bcs almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Psychological Having to do with an organism's physical process
Cognitive Having to do with an organism's thinking and understanding
Psychology The scientific study of behavior that is tested through scientific research
4 Goals of Psychology Description, Explanation, Prediction, and Influence
Hypothesis An assumption or prediction about behavior that is tested through scientific research
Basic (pure) Science The pursuit of knowledge about natural phenomena for its own sake
Applied Science Discovering ways to use scientific finding to accomplish practical goals
Scientific Method A general approach to gathering information and answering question so that errors and biases are minimized
Wilhelm Wundt Credited with setting up the first psychology laboratory
Dualism The concept that the mind and body are separate and distinct
Tabula Rasa An absence of preconceived ideas or predetermined goals; a clean slate
Structuralist A psychologist who studied the basic elements that makes up conscious mental experiences
Introspection A method of self-observation in which participants report their thoughts and feelings
William James Taught the first class in psychology at Harvard University
Functionalist A psychologist who studied the function of consciousness
Sir Francis Galton Declared that the "most fit" humans were those with high intelligence.
Nature vs Nurture The debate about the extent to which our behavior is inborn (innate) or learned through experience
Gestalt Psychology A theory of the mind
Sigmund Freud Believed that our conscious experiences are only the tip of the iceberg that benath the surface are primitive biological urges that are in conflict with the requirements of society and mortality
Psychoanalyst a psychologist who studies ow unconscious motives and conflicts determine human behavior
Free Association Studying unconscious processes
Freudian Slip An unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings
Oedipus Complex The complex of emotions in a young child
Mary Whiton Calkins Pioneer woman who studied psychology. First woman to get a Psychology degree
Ivan Pavlov Russian Psychologist known for the famous experiment.
Behaviorist A psychologist who analyzes how organisms learn or modify their behavior based on their response events in the environment
John B. Watson Said that psychology should concern itself only with the observable facts of behavior
Humanist A psychologist who believes that each person has freedom in directing his or her future and achieving personal growth
Psychiatry A branch of medicine that deals with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders
Clinical Psychologist A psychologist who diagnoses and treats people with emotional disturbances
Counseling Psychologist A psychologist who usually helps people deal with problems of living
Industrial/Organizational Psychologist A psychologist who uses psychological concepts to make the workplace a more satisfying environment for employees and managers
Kenneth B. Clark The White Black Doll Experiment
Phrenology You can feel on someones skull and tell what kind of person they are
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