The Grand alliance & conferences


Year 11 History (Superpower relations and the cold war) Flashcards on The Grand alliance & conferences, created by lily bevan on 23/02/2018.
lily bevan
Flashcards by lily bevan, updated more than 1 year ago
lily bevan
Created by lily bevan almost 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Question Answer
during which war was the grand alliance formed? World war two
Which superpower leader was forced into the alliance? and why? Stalin (USSR). Due to the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941.
Which Superpower leader was keen to improve relations? Roosevelt (USA)
Which conference was the first one to be held? and when was it held? The Tehran conference. November 1943
Who benefited the most from the Tehran conference? Stalin (USSR)
What causes may have lead to USSRs success during the Tehran conference? Roosevelt was fairly ill during the conference and tended to side with USSR over Britain.
What were the main agreements of the Tehran conference? + UK & USA agreed to open up second front by invading France + USSR to wage war on Japan + UN to be set up after war + An area of eastern Poland to be added to USSR
What was the second conference to be held? and when was it? The Yalta conference. February 1945.
Why was the Yalta conference called? To consider what to do with Germany & Europe once victory was won
What were the main agreements of the Yalta conference? + USSR to enter war against Japan + Divide Germany and Berlin into 4 zones + Hunt down and try Nazi criminals + Liberate countries & allow free election + Join UN + Create Soviet 'sphere of influence' in East
What were the main disagreements of the Yalta conference? + How much Germany was to pay. USSR wanted a much higher figure. Decision was delayed + Stalin wanted the Polish/German border to be further West and a 'friendly' Polish government for protection from Germany
What are some big events between Yalta and Potsdam that affected relations? + Soviet troops liberated countries but did not remove military presence + communist government in Poland + USSR refusal to cut down army + Death of Roosevelt + Successful atomic bomb (USA) + Churchill defeated in general election
Why was Roosevelt's death so significant? He was replaced by Harry Truman, who greatly distrusted Stalin as he believed he intended to take over Europe. He was much less likely to side with USSR.
What was the last conference? and when was it? The Potsdam conference. July 1945.
What were the main agreements made at the Potsdam conference? + Division of Germany & Berlin as before + Germany to be demilitarised + Democracy to be re-established in Germany + Reparations to be made in equipment + Ban of the nazi Party + full participation in UN + Poland's frontier to be moved Westward
What were the main disagreements made at Potsdam? + Over what to do with Germany. Stalin wanted to disable them completely but Truman saw a revived Germany as a barrier for Soviet expansion + Free election - Truman wanted them, Stalin didn't
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