Common issues in infancy


Averil Tam
Flashcards by Averil Tam, updated more than 1 year ago
Averil Tam
Created by Averil Tam almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
TRUE/FALSE? 1A. “Purple” crying can begin at 8 weeks of age. False. Peaks at 2 months.
TRUE/FALSE? 1B. Empathy is of little value. False
TRUE/FALSE? 1C. These babies are at increased risk. True
TRUE/FALSE? 1D. There are no long term sequelae. False
TRUE/FALSE? 2A. GORD is common in this age group. False. GOR is “physiological” and common in this age group. Periods of purple crying are not associated with increased acidity in the oesophagus.
TRUE/FALSE? 2B. GORD is best managed by proton pump inhibitors in this age group. False. Proton pump inhibitors are contraindicated in this condition.
TRUE/FALSE? 2C. There is much to learn about the relationship between the gut biome and brain functioning. True. The brain-gut biome relationship is not well understood but is being actively researched.
TRUE/FALSE? 2D. A role for prebiotics is intriguing but not established. True. A role for pre-biotics is not established.
TRUE/FALSE? 3. Distressed babies that cry their way to the doctor have distressed parents. In managing such a distressed family: A. The timeline of the crying and the evening amplification must be established by the history. True
TRUE/FALSE? 3. Distressed babies that cry their way to the doctor have distressed parents. In managing such a distressed family: B. When not crying the history must establish that the baby is Alert, Active and Appropriately socially interactive, Breathing without chest recession, good Colour and Drinking enough to produce 5 wet nappies in 24 hours (the ABCDs). True
TRUE/FALSE? 3. Distressed babies that cry their way to the doctor have distressed parents. In managing such a distressed family: C. Maternal exhaustion can look like PND. True
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