Changing Urban Environments- Inner City problems, UK


A Levels Geography (GCSE) Flashcards on Changing Urban Environments- Inner City problems, UK, created by beth2384 on 09/06/2013.
Flashcards by beth2384, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beth2384 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many new homes were built in Hulme City Challenge? 3,000
When was Hulme City Challenge launched? 1992
What replaces open spaces in an inner city? wasteland
what are the 4 main environmental problems in inner cities? no open spaces, housing, derelict buildings, pollution from traffic
Name 4 types of buildings that are derelict in an inner city? houses, flats, warehouses, factories
What two types of housing can be found in an inner city? old terraces, cheap tower blocks
What often happens to derelict buildings in inner cities? they are vandalised
Name 4 people types there are more of (on average) in an inner city? pensioners, ethnic minorities, single-parent families, students
Name three social factors that are worse in an inner city (on average) than anywhere else? health, drug abuse, crime
Give an example of ethnic segregation in the UK in inner cities? London, Newham and Brent (NW London), over 50% are from black and Asian communities
Who clash in an inner city? Police and community
What economic factor is above average in an inner city? rates of unemployment
Which two groups of people are especially above average in terms of rates on unemployment in an inner city? ethnic minorities and the young
When did local employment decline? When industries and docks closed
What costs a lot compared to in the suburbs? LAND
What is widespread in an inner city? poverty
Give an example of improving inner cities? Hulme City Challenge (Manchester, 1992)
Give 4 details about Hulme Park 1 first new large park in Manchester for 60years 2 play areas + sports facilities 3 links up with Castlefields 4 open space
What was an old church redeveloped for in Hulme? dance and music facilities
Name 4 features that made the architecture in Hulme friendly and welcoming? different building materials, brick colours, dwelling types, structures
Name 4 types of varied accommodation in Hulme? homes for: single parents, first-time buyers, large families, small families
When did the unsuccessful redevelopment in Hulme take place? The late 1960s
What had they built in the unpopular redevelopment in Hulme? concrete crescents of high-rise flats
Who changed their attitudes as a result of unsuccessful redevelopment in Hulme? (2 things) the government + planners
Who was involved in the Hulme City Challenge? local people
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