Mass Spectroscopy


A level Chemistry (4.2 Alcohols, Haloalkanes and Analysis) Flashcards on Mass Spectroscopy, created by Yinka F on 09/03/2018.
Yinka F
Flashcards by Yinka F, updated more than 1 year ago
Yinka F
Created by Yinka F over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Describe how mass spectroscopy works The molecules in the sample are bombarded with electrons and a molecular ion, M⁺, is formed when the bombarding electrons remove an electron from the molecule.
Given the mass spectrum of a compound, how can the relative molecular mass be found? Look at the molecular ion peak (the M peak). This is the peak with the highest mass/charge ratio, ignoring any M+1 peak. This is the molecular mass of the compound.
Complete the sentences: The bombarding electrons make some of the molecular ions break up into _____________. The fragments that are ions show up on the _______ __________, making a __________________ pattern. The bombarding electrons make some of the molecular ions break up into FRAGMENTS The fragments that are ions show up on the MASS SPECTRUM, making a FRAGMENTATION pattern.
Describe the fragmentation of CH₃CH₂CH₃⁺
Draw the fragments that are produced from CH₃COCH₃
Draw the fragments that are produced from CH₃CH₂COOH
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