6.1 ; density


User has deleted their subject information Flashcards on 6.1 ; density, created by Deleted user on 12/03/2018.
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Farha Idrees
Created by Farha Idrees about 7 years ago
Farha Idrees
Copied by Farha Idrees almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define density. the mass per unit volume of a substance
What is: a) mass b) volume a) how much of something there is b) how much space something takes up
What is the formula for density? density = mass / volume
A wooden post has a volume of 0.025 m(3) and a mass of 20 kg. Calculate its density. • density = mass / volume • density = 20/ 0.025 • density = 800 kg/m(3)
What is the density of water? 1000 kg/m(3)
What happens to objects that have a lower density than water? They float in water.
How do you find the density of a REGULAR solid? 1. find out the mass using a pair of scales 2. find the volume of the object using a ruler 3. use the equivalent to find out its density
How do you find out the density of an IRREGULAR solid, you? 1. find out the mass, using a pair of scales 2. fill up a eureka can to the tip of its spout and then place the object in it 3. the volume of the object is equal to the volume of the water forced out the spout
How do you find the density of a LIQUID? 1. calculate the mass of the liquid by subtracting the mass of the empty beaker form the total mass of the beaker and the liquid 2. use a measuring cylinder to find out the volume of the liquid
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