Transition to Management


describe challenges for new manager
Flashcards by icatjam, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by icatjam over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Transition? Transition in this scenario is moving position. As in Julie moving into management position where she is unfamiliar and nervous.
What scenario challenges did Julie encounter? 1..keeping calm when nervous and when overwhelmed 2.. not knowing her ATL team 3.. becoming aggressive 4.. staff parking issues 5.. staff poor performance disciplinary 6.. staff absenteeism issue 7.. weekly returns forms 8.. Best Value review 9.. attending steering committee 10.. learning to listen and respond effectively 11.. reflecting and acting on possible abuse 12..time management and how where to to choose and spend time 13..dealing with police involvement 14.. 13..
What is management? skilled position which enables a manager to organise, give advice and guidance and instruction, delegate, negotiate, make decisions. should have competent knowledge of legislation, policies, procedures, guidance information,
what are management tools? 1...fishbone diagram, 2...self esteem during transition, 3...managing the poor performer 4...knowing your team 5..running a staff appraisal system 6 building team spirit 7...manager development form circle of awareness 8...creating an informative environment 9...budgeting 10...self esteem during transition to management 11...Tuckman's model 12...complaints procedure 13... abuse and protection procedures 14... force field analysis
what are the challenges? being informed or prepared , confidence, knowing and building staff and teams, building a bigger picture being practice led, choosing how to spend and manage time policies, procedures, guidance, , law local networks commissioners requirements voluntary sector identify problems and challenges complaints poor performance and absenteeism abuse protection training and professional development delegation administrative, databases, newsletters, reports, reviews, assessments leadership and encouragement of staff leadership challenge whether to act or react strive for better standards and provision impose deadlines listen and responding skills performance management weekly returns system accuracy and relevance in records meet target evidence focused planning for outcomes ethical decisions confidentiality draw on practice knowledge theories of loss understanding human behaviour increase sense of control and effectiveness when busy understand managerialism introduce effective change strategies encourage practice research to increase interest and encourage learning know partnerships stress and wellbeing consultation with users account for history minimise mistakes, response to mistakes abuse and whistleblowing morally active manager opportunities and dilemmas of databases complaints policy importance and why
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