Fundamentals of Computer systems


GCSE Computing (Fundimentals of computer systems) Flashcards on Fundamentals of Computer systems, created by Kjaer on 11/06/2013.
Flashcards by Kjaer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kjaer over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Computer System A combination of hardware and software components that allow input, processing and output of data.
Hardware The physical components that make up a computer system.
Software The programs that run on a computer system.
Input Devices Hardware devices that take real-world analogue data and convert it into a digital form that can be stored on a computer.For example: keyboard, mouse, microphone, webcam, scanner, sensors.
Output Device Hardware devices that use digital data from a computerto produce a form that is understandable to a person. For example: monitors, printers, speakers,Projectors, atuators (motors).
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