
Flashcards on STRUCTURAL, created by Blanka on 13/06/2013.
Flashcards by Blanka, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Blanka over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Symptoms of TMJ disfunction Clicking jaw, pain in jaw, irregular opening jaw, headaches, migraines, feeling of a pressured head, like helmet, + anything else of a structural nature
What percentage of the sensory and motor brain cells are devoted to TMJ? 50%, it means that 50% of the brain messages filter through that area (jaw area, lips, tongue and teeth)
What is the significance of these 50%? If the TMJ is suffering from any form of disfunction OR lack of coordination, it can create confusion in ANY motor function of the body!
What is good to ask a client vis a vis TMJ problem? When did they last visit a dentist (structural, sinus, headache problems started shortly after the dental treatments); Did they have a whiplash injury?
Which part of the brain controls TMJ? Motor Cortex (it controls every bodily movement)
Which muscles are involved with the TMJ? Masseter, Buccinator and the Temporalis
Masseter fibres They run down the side of the face, from the cheekbone to the back of the jaw.
Buccinator fibre Muscle of the cheek, fibres run from the side of the mouth towards the ear
Temporalis fibres Temporalis is involved with chewing, fan shaped around the ear. Fibres are aligned with ALL the teeth, which gives the alignment of a crushing force.
Which other muscles is good to check before OR after correcting the TMJ muscles? Muscles which relate to head position: Neck muscles (anterior and posterior), Upper Trapezius, Levator Scapulae, Sacrospinalis, Triceps, Infraspinatus, Bilateral Psoas + Check Atlas, Hyoid, Dural Torque, Cloacals
What is a general cause of TMJ problems? Hypertonic muscles, and over-facilitated muscles. THETEFORE, the correction is to work on the SPINDLE cells to turn it down.
NLs and NVs for the jaw muscles First, second and third intercostal spaces close to the sternum T2, T3, T4 Ramus (as Neck muscles)
Nutrients for TMJ Nervous system pack, Colloidal minerals, Ca&Mg, Mg, Zinc, Skeletal strength, Everflex, Mastergland
What is the name for grinding the teeth at night? Bruxism
What will affect how long the TMJ correction lasts? Visit to the dentist, Bruxism, clenching the jaw due to mental/emotional stress......
What is Fixation and what is Subluxation? F is two or more adjacent vertebrae moving as a unit rather than separately. S is a vertebrae out of position in relation to vertebrae above, below or both, or even with itself. F never go away by themselves and must be corrected.
What is Fixation procedure very effective in? In helping the bilateral muscle weakness.
How is Fixation procedure done? Balance all the muscles thoroughly Rub to the right and left of the spinous processes in a VERTICAL WAY, not like usual lymphatic rubbing (round next to the spine). Sometimes osteopath needed if it does not hold. ALSO: Aim a laser at the Glabella , at the bridge of the nose, the location of the 3rd eye, for 30 sec, client's eyes closed.
Abdominals Saggital Suture Digestive Aid, Slippery Elm
Mid Dorsal T2-T11 Terse Major Syneprotein, Digestive, Skeletal Strength, Everflex, Ca/Mg, Mg
Upper Occiput Fixation Psoas Water, Carotenoid Bland, Vitamin E, Fish oil/Flaxseed oil
Lower Cervical Popliteus Fat Grabbers, Carotenoid Blend, Omega oils
Dorsal/Lumbar Junction T12-L1 Lower Trapezius Immune/Glandular pack, Vitamin C, Carotenoid Blend, Omega oils
Upper Cervical Gluteus Maximus EPO, B complex, Vitamin E
Sacrum Hamstrings Healthy Starter Pack, Bowel Build, Vitamin E, Skeletal Strength, Everflex
TMJ Temporalis Mandibular Joint Piriformis Colloidal Minerals, Ca/Mg, Mg, Zinc, Skeletal Strength, Everflex, Mastergland, Nervous pack
Dorsal Junction C7-T1 Deltoid Vitamin C, Fenugreek and Fennel, Respiratory pack
Three most important foods and nutrients which scavenge free radicals Zambroza, High Potency Grapine, Super Antioxidant
Which muscle is involved with chewing? Temporalis
Where are Spindle cells? In the belly of the muscle.
What do Spindle cells do? They give the brain information on the degree of stretch and contraction in the middle of the muscle at any moment.
What are Spindle cells partially responsible for? For our building up tension in the muscles as a result of nervousness, stress and anxiety. When gamma efferent nerves send message to Spindle cells about being under stress, the muscle "resets" the firing threshold. That produces tension.
What happens if we are habitually exposed to anxiety? Affected muscles are always tighter than they should be and the situation has become chronic. The muscle is "set to high".
How do we help chronic tension? OR Describe the technique called Reactive Muscles? We turn the muscle down by manually massaging Spindle cells. The fingertips or thumbs are placed slightly apart at the CENTRE of the muscle fibres where the Spindle cells lie. Then the digits are rapidly and quite firmly pressed TOWARDS each other.
When do we use Ligament Interlink technique? For ligament damage (that cannot be resolved by balancing muscles) For arthritic pain in joints
What can we do with the TMJ if there is pain in any joint in the body? The TMJ could be CLd in relation to any other joint to see if there is any connection.
When do we suspect a "ligament interlink"? If the joint TLs in any place after we have corrected the muscles that go over the joint.
How is the body organised in Ligament Interlink? Diagonally
Two other specific areas that may correlate in Ligament Interlink? The Sternocostal Articulations and the Sacro-Iliac AND The Xyphoid and the Coccyx
Nutrition for Ligament Interlink? Mn/Mg/Structural pack
How do we test for Mn for ligaments and what doe Mn do? We stretch a ligament around the joint for 5 sec and check a SIM. Mn helps strengthen ligaments AND tighten joints. Also check Mg and Ca, take for a month, re-evaluate.
Why is Bone Stock Jelly good and how do we make it? It is good because we get Ca, Mg and Ph in the correct proportion. We cook bones with an acid (tomato juice, vinegar...)for several hours to dissolve the collagen and the joint cushions.Then we pour off the liquid and put it in the fridge. It cools into really firm jelly. We can use it in cooking OR onto crackers for a snack.
What moves and how when we breath? (bone wise) All the bones in the skull move, as well as all the vertebra. The first 4 pairs move in the same direction, and the rest move in opposing direction.
How do we call the relationship between each vertebrae in a specific pattern? Lovett Brother As above-so below Where it is, it isn't
What is a Guy Rope Principle? It is the basic Kinesiological principle that it is a weak muscle that is causing the tight one to shorten.
Examples for Guy Rope Principle The Upper Trapezius on one side:the Upper Trapezius on the other side AND the Latissimus Dorsii below. The Anterior Neck muscles:(oppose)the Posterior Neck muscles. The Pectorals:Sacrospinalis and Trapezius.
What is a General Cranial Fault test? Touch GV20(in the vertex/the crown of the head) in the centre of the head) and test SIM, if changed, there is a cranial fault.
How do we correct all cranial faults? A client breathes in and out of a paper or plastic bag SEALED around the nose and mouth, until they get dizzy.
When we TL, how does the client breath? The client breaths out.
Why are some people sensitive to a stormy weather? There is an increase of positive ions before the storm and an increase of negative ions after the storm. It disturbs many people's ionisation balance.
Why is ionisation important? If there is not ionisation balance, then Circuit Locating or TLing will not be accurate.
How can we correct the ionisation problem? By having the person breath in through the appropriate nostril and breath out through the other a few times.
When we breath, which ions enter our body? Right nostril breath in=positive ions in out body Left nostril=negative ions
LCD+ ? Breath in on left weakens (out the right), Ca needed, palms down, +VE ions
RKU- ? Breath in on right weakens, Potassium needed, palms up, -VE ions.
What does it mean when positive OR negative ions are needed? ???
What is the Dura? One of three covering sheaths of the brain and spinal cord: Pia, Dura and Arachnoid matter.
Describe Dura It is the most important and the thickest of the three sheaths; It is tough, fibrous and inelastic tissue. If one end moves, so does the other.
Describe Dura It is the most important and the thickest of the three sheaths; It is tough, fibrous and inelastic tissue. If one end moves, so does the other.
Where is Dura attached? It separates at the head and is attached to the right and left interior of the skull, the Atlas, Axis and the Third Cervical vertebra; then it is free all the way down the spine to the second Sacral Tubercle.
5 functions of Dura Supports the brain, Supports and protects the spine, Protects delicate nerve tissues, Survival reflexes via contraction, An integral part of Cranio-Sacral mechanism
What affects Dura negatively? High level of continuous stress, Energy waste, No recuperative time, Low adrenals, Low immunity, Disease
Name 4 types of stress and how it affects Dura? Physical, Emotional, Energetical/Thermal, Chemical. Dura reacts by SHORTENING
How do we check for Dural Torque? By pressing down and towards on Sacrum and check SIM (Hamstrings the best) It only shows if it is a priority.
7 factors that affect the Dura? Chronic stress, Allergies, Gait patterns, Scoliosis, Upper cervical fixations, Cranial faults, pelvic structural problems
If the TMJ is very painful, how can we relieve it? By fixing in priority all around the jaw and temporalis. Also check for reversed TMJ.
If Hypothalamus is weak, what can we do apart from Endocrine Fix? We can get the client to CL around the occiput and ADD this to the correction if relevant.
If around the occiput shows relevant, what do we do? We turn the client over, secure the head in the hole and push the thumbs together all around the occiput to turn the muscles down.
How do we correct the Clicking Jaw? The client puts their tongue on roof of their mouth.Then they open and close the mouth slowly while we apply a slight continuous pressure to the jaw. It makes the jaw muscle work. We must let the jaw win.
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