

GCSE RE Flashcards on Philosophy, created by libarlow1998 on 14/06/2013.
Flashcards by libarlow1998, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by libarlow1998 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Salvation Being Saved
Atoned Make Amend
Redemption Jesus Redemed our sins
Pergatory Cleansing the soul
Soul Immortal spirt non phyiscal god given
Outer Body experiance Life after death
Heaven eternity with god
ressurection Come back to life
The parable of the sheep an the goats Talks about judgment day
If you are not a christian you can't... ...go to heaven
reincarnation coming back to life as some thing else, hindus belive in this.
Agnostic Someone who is unsure of about the exsistance of god
Atheist Someone who doesn't belive in god
Cosmological argument the argument that the univers must have had a first cause
deity another word for god
Design argument The argument that the univers is too complex to be random, so must have been designed and created by god
Eternal No beginning and no end
God a supernatural deity
Incarnation God in human form (Jesus)
Miracle A supernatural event were god reviles himself
Omnipotent All Powerfull
Omnipresent everywhere
Omniscient all knowing
theist someone who belives in god
Theist above and beyond the universe
Trinity God can be know in three ways; the Father the Son and the Holy Spirt
monotheist a person who belives in a single god is called a monotheist
Polytheist A person who belives in many gods
The chicken or the egg cosmological argument
C R=====??? U M P E T R- Revelation= God REVEALED himself to us in the form of Jesus
C R U====? M E T U- Upbring= if you are brought up to believe in god, then you will believe
C R U M====? P E T M -Morality = our sense of right and wrong (CONSCIENCE) comes from god
C R U M P===? E T P -Prayers answers- if a prayer is answered then you will think god exsists
argument against the teleological argument... Evolution
The feeding of the 5000 mircale = 5 loves of breed and two fish Atheist = no one was that hungry/ crumbs/ lie
The calmining of the storm miricale = huge storm comanded by jesus to stop atheiset = not as big as they said it was/ might not have been for that long
what do christians belive about miricals god is consered for us cant always help because of free will miricals prove the exsistance of god Lourdes
Biggest miracle jesus resrrection all christans belive this miracle
C =====? R U M P E T C -Cosmologial = the first cause
C U M P E ===? T E - Evidence = unessusery
C R U M P E T=====? T -Teleological argument = design argument
O ===? H K I S S C J O -Omnipotent = all powerful
O k ===? I S S C J K - King = fair just ruler
O K I====? S S C J I - Incarnation = God was jesus incarnated
O K I S ===? S C J S - Sheperd= Guid Caring Protecting
O K I S S====? C J C - Creator
O K I S S C J====? J - Judge
Rites Rites of passage Ritual or a ceremony
death the ending of a physical life
Last rites Anonting of oil befor death
Transcendent God is above and beyond the univeres
what do christians belive happens when we die? anyone who belives in god can be resurrected jesus was reserrected souls are immortal hell = an eternity without god heaven = an eternity with god
NON christian views on life after deatg some christa=ans say that and 'good' person can go to heaven god is loving and forgiving
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