Transition Elements 1


Flashcards on Transition Elements 1, created by I Shouldn't be awake on 13/04/2018.
I Shouldn't be awake
Flashcards by I Shouldn't be awake, updated more than 1 year ago
I Shouldn't be awake
Created by I Shouldn't be awake over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are D block Elements? Elements w/ highest energy electrons in D subshell group 2-13
Properties of D block elements High melting/boiling point shiny conduct electricity
Which elements are the outliers in electron orbital arrangement? Cu and Cr Have 1/2 filled orbitals, which are stable
What are transition elements? D-block elements that form at least 1 ion w/ a partially filled D-orbital
Properties of transition metals Form compounds in which TM has different oxidation states Form coloured compounds Elements and compounds can act as catalysts
Which are the outliers and why? Sc and Zn Sc can only lose 1 electron, so can't have partially filled Zn only ever forms 2+ ions, has complete d orbital
What is the colour of a solution linked to? Partially filled d-orbitals of TM ion
Example of a TM catalysed reaction N2 + 3H2 <-> 2NH3 Haber process finely divided Fe catalyst
What would you expect of a S2O8/iodide in presence of starch recation if Fe catalyst is added? Blue-black solution forms much more quickly
What are species in their highest [O] likely to form? Strong [OA]
What is a complex ion? Ion w/ molecule(s)/anions attached to central metal ion via coordinate bonds
What is a ligand? Any molecule or ion that can donate a pair of electrons to a central metal ion DOESN'T have to be lone
What is coordination number? Number of coordinate bonds attached to that metal ion
Draw oxalate ion o=c(o-)-c(o-)=o
Are complex ions only D-block? No, Aluminium can form complex ions
Bond shape of 6-coordinate complexes octahedral, 90'
Bond shape of 4-coordinate complexes Tetrahedral/Square planar, 109.5'/90'
Draw tetrahedral/square planar eh
What elements can form square planar? T.E. ions w/ 8-d electrons in highest E d-orbital shell Pt2+/Pd2+/Au3+ also included
What is the formula of a compound of Chromium+4 water+2 chloride ions [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]+
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