Transition Elements 3 - Ligand Substitution


Flashcards on Transition Elements 3 - Ligand Substitution, created by I Shouldn't be awake on 13/04/2018.
I Shouldn't be awake
Flashcards by I Shouldn't be awake, updated more than 1 year ago
I Shouldn't be awake
Created by I Shouldn't be awake over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How to generate [Cu(H2O)6]2+? CuSO4 + 6H2O
Reaction of Copper with excess ammonia [Cu(H2O)6]2+ -> Cu(OH)2 -> [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+
Colour changes Pale blue -> blue -> deep blue
Cu with excess HCl [Cu(H2O)6]2+(aq) + 4 Cl-(aq) <-> [CuCl4]2- (aq) + 6H2O (aq) IN EQUILIBRIUM!
Colour changes Pale blue --> Green IM --> Yellow
Why only 4 Cl-? As they're larger in size than water ligands, can only nestle this many around central metal ion.
Generating [Cr(H2O)6]2+ Chrome alum dissolved in water
Colour of solution is Pale purple
What happens when Chromium(III) Sulfate is dissolved in water? Green solution of [CR(H2O)5SO4]+ is formed
What do the two solutions have in common? Generate Cr3+ ions
Reaction of [Cr(H2O)6]3+ with excess ammonia (3) [Cr(H2O)6]3+(Aq) + 6 NH3(aq) -> Cr(OH)3(s) -> [Cr(NH3)6]3+(aq) + 6 H2O (l)
Colour changes pale purple -> grey-green -> purple
What is the compound called that forms when CO binds to Hb? Carboxyhaemoglobin
What ppt form complex ions? Those of transition metal ions that disolve in excess NaOH or NH3
Which compounds form ppt that DONT react with excess NaOH? Cu2+ Fe2+ Fe3+ Mn2+
Cu2+ + NaOH Colour change Cu2+ + 2OH- -> Cu(OH)2 (s) Blue solution --> Blue ppt
Fe2+ colour Pale green
Fe(OH)2 colour Green
Fe3+ colour pale yellow
Fe(OH)3 colour orange-brown
Mn2+ colour Pale pink
Mn(OH)2 colour light brown
Reactions w/ excess ammonia Fe2+/Fe3+/Mn2+ react in the same way they do w/ NaOH Cr3+ and Cu2+ are the ones that are further soluble to excess NH3
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