Unit 5 - periodicity


Flashcards on Unit 5 - periodicity, created by jasmin.sahota on 14/06/2013.
Flashcards by jasmin.sahota, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jasmin.sahota over 11 years ago

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Question Answer
From the period 3 elements, sodium, magnesium and aluminium are metallic. what does this mean? they are shiny when freshly exposed to air conduct electricity react with dilute acids to give hydrogen and salts
silicon is a semi-metal
if something is a semi-metal what does this mean it conducts electricity to some extent it is good for semi-conductor devices
phosphorous,sulfur and chlorine are typical non-metals
do non-metal conduct electricity no
do non-metal have high or low melting and boiling points? low
argon is a noble gas
noble gases are chemically unreactive and exist as separate atoms
what type of reaction are all the elements in period 3? redox reactions
why are the period 3 elements all redox reactions? because every element starts with a oxidation state of zero and ends up with a positive or negative oxidation state
which period 3 elements react with water? sodium and magnesium are the only metals chlorine is the only non-metal.
sodium and water react vigorously
describe what you see when sodium reacts with water sodium floats on the top of the surface of the water, and fizzes rapidly. the sodium melts because of the heat given out by the reaction.
what is formed from the reaction of sodium with water? a strongly alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide (pH13-14)
write the equation of the reaction with sodium and water showing the changes in oxidation states
describe the reaction of magnesium and water very very slow! only a few bubbles of hydrogen are formed after some days
what is the result of the reaction of sodium with water? is less alkaline than sodium and water reaction, as magnesium hydroxide is only sparingly soluble, pH of around 10.
write the reaction of magensium and water, showing changes in oxidation states.
how can you make the reaction of magnesium and water faster? by using heated magnesium and steam
what are the products of heated magnesium and steam reacting together? magnesium oxide and hydrogen
give the equation of heated magnesium and steam, showing the changes in oxidation state
in the reaction of water with sodium/magnesium is a redox one. what oxides and what reduces? the oxidation state of the metal increases the oxidation state of the hydrogen decreases
which elements in period 3 react with oxygen? all of them except argon
reactions of elements from period 3 with oxygen are all exothermic
describe sodium and oxygen reaction sodium burns brightly in air with a yellow flame
what is the product of sodium with oxygen? white sodium oxide
write the equation if sodium with oxygen?
describe magnesium with oxygen reaction a strip of Mg ribbon burns in air with a bright white flame
what is the product of magnesium and oxygen? a white powder of magnesium oxide is produced
to make the flame more intense, what should you do? lower the burning magnesium into a gas jar of oxygen
write the equation of magnesium with oxygen
what happens to the oxidation states of magnesium and oxygen when they react together? magnesium's oxidation state has increased oxygen's oxidation state reduces
describe aluminium with oxygen reaction aluminium powder is heated and then lowered into a gas jar of oxygen. it brightly burns, to give a white powder
the white powder produced when aluminum is reacted with oxygen is... aluminium oxide
the equation for aluminum oxide and oxygen is....
aluminium is a reactive metal but appears to be unreactive.. why? because it is always coated with a strongly bonded surface layer of oxide. this protects is from further reaction
aluminium is used in everyday products such as saucepans, garage doors, window frames
even is aluminum's surface is scratched, why is it not reactive then? because the exposed aluminium reacts rapidly with the air and seals off the surface
when will silicon form silicon oxide? when it is heated strongly in oxygen
write the equation of silicon with oxygen and show changing oxidation states
There are two types of Phosphorus, what are they? red, and white
before reacting red phosphorus with oxygen, what must you do? it must be heated
how does white phosphorus react with oxygen? white phosphorus spontaneously ignites in air and the white smoke of phosphorus pentoxide is given off
red and white phosphorus are allotropes, meaning they are the same element but the atoms are arranged differently
write the equation of phosphorus with oxygen showing the changing oxidation numbers
if the supply of oxygen is limited in the reaction between phosphorus and oxygen, what else is produced? Phosphorus trioxide, P2O3, is also formed alongside phosphorus pentoxide
which period 3 elements are metallic sodium, magnesium and aluminium
describe the reaction between sulfur and oxygen burns with a blue flame to form a colourless gas
describe how the reaction takes place between sulfur and oxygen the sulfur powder is heated and lowered into a gas jar of oxygen
draw the equation of sulfur and oxygen showing the changing oxidation states
in all reactions between period 3 elements and oxygen, what gets oxidised and what gets reduced? the period 3 element increases in oxidation state and that of oxygen decreases in oxidation state.
as move from left to right of the period 3 elements, what happen to the oxidation number? it increases
the melting points of metal oxides are high! as sodium, magnesium and aluminium are formed by a metal combined to a non-metal. therefore this means that they form giant ionic lattices where the bonding extends through the compound
the type of bonding in aluminium is... mainly ionic but has some covalent character
the covalent characteristics of the aluminium bonding is because aluminum forms very small ions with a large positive charge and so can approach closely to the O2- and distort it's electron cloud.
the greater the difference in electronegativities the greater the ionic character of the bond
if the difference in electronegativities is 0 then what does this mean about its bonding. it means it is 100% covalent
what is the bonding in silicon oxide? giant covalent (macro molecular)structure. this bonding is throughout the structure
does silicon oxide have a high or low melting point? high, as many strong covalent bonds must be broken
draw what pure ionic bonding looks like...
draw what distortion in ionic bonding looks like...
draw what some degree of covalent bonding looks like in Aluminium oxide
phosphorus oxide is solide. name the intermolecular forces in it weak van der Waals, and dipoli-dipole forces
the melting points of phosphorus are fairly low
what state are sulfur dioxide and trioxide gases
draw a table showing the oxides of the period 3 elements telling us their bonding and structure
which oxides are bases? sodium and magnesium
sodium oxides reacts with water to give sodium hydroxide solution
write the equation of the reaction between sodium oxide and water
magnesium oxide reacts with water to produce magnesium hydroxide
write the equation for magnesium oxide and water
which oxides are insoluble? aluminium oxide and silicon dioxide
acidic oxides are formed from non-metal on the right hand side of the periodic table
how does phosphorus pentoxide react with water? and what does it produce? react quite violently to produce and acidic solution of Phosphoric acid
write the equation showing phosphorus reacting with water
H2PO4(aq) ionies in stages, the first being...
sulfur dioxide is fairly soluble in water, and reacts to give an acidic solution of sulfuric acid
sulfuric acid partially dissociates producing a H+ ion, which causes the acidity of the solution
how does sulfur trioxide react with water? and what does it produce? it reacts violently to produce sulfuric (VI) acid
the equation for sulfur trioxide and water is
what is the overall pattern of reactions of period 3 oxides with water? metal oxides (left of the periodic table) form alkaline solutions in water, non-metal oxides (on the right) for acidic ones, while those in the middle do not react
draw a table that summaries the oxides in water
what is the general pattern of the period 3 oxides? and how they react with water? because it contains the O2- ion. which is a very strong base and readily reacts with water to produce hydroxide ions
why does sodium oxide with water produce more alkaline solution than magnesium oxide? because magnesium oxide is less soluble that sodium oxide
why does aluminium oxide not react? because the bonding is too strong to be separated due to the additional covalent bonding on top of the ionic bonding
silicon dioxide will not react because it is a giant macro molecule, and water will not affect this type of structure
phosphorus and sulfur oxides react with water because they are covalent molecules and react with water to form acid solutions
sodium and magnesium oxide react to give.. salt and water only
sodium oxide reacts with sulfuric acid to give ...
magnesium oxide react with HCl to give...
aluminium reacts with both acids and bases
aluminium oxide with HCL gives us
aluminium oxide with hot conc sodium hydroxide gives us
silicon dioxide will react as a weak acid with strong bases
silicon dioxide with hot concentrated sodium hydoxide produces
the reaction of Phosphorus pentoxide, P4O10, is the same as the reaction of phosphoric acid, as phosphorus pentoxide with water forms phosphoric acid
phosphoric acid has three O - H group, each with an acidic H atom.
phosphoric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide in 3 stages, where each H in turn reacts with a hydroxide ion, and is replaced by a Na ion
the overall reaction for Phosphorus pentoxide with sodium hydroxide is..
when we add sodium hydroxide to sulfur dioxide we first form sodium hydrogensulfate followed by sodium(IV) sulfate
the equations for sulfue dioxide and NaOH is
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