anorexia nervosa (other disorder)


A-Levels psycho Flashcards on anorexia nervosa (other disorder), created by danniellerb94 on 15/06/2013.
Flashcards by danniellerb94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by danniellerb94 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
symptoms of anorexia refusal to eat, fear of gaining weight, distorted perception of body weight and shape, weight less the 85% that is expected for height and age, amenorrhea (loss of three or more consecutive menstrual cycles)
features of anorexia 90%-cases female aged between 13-18, 60%have episodic patterns, 20%have just the one episode, 20% end up hospitalised, 20%mortality rate for death
2 explanations -biological genetic -runs in the family, neurotransmitters-neurodrenaline increases hunger/serotonin decreases hunger, brain structure-lateral hypothalamus produces hunger/ ventronedial decreases hunger.
2 explanations- learning operant conditioning -reward and punishment classical conditioning - association SLT - ARRM
treatments for anorexia rational emotive therapy and free association
rational emotive therapy Ellis devised Activating event Beliefs(about A)Consequences (of B) model, the process- to help client identify negative and irrational thoughts and make them positive. behavioural elements-test these hypotheses through role play.
1 strength and weakness of RET +RET is more effective then psychoanalytical therapies. - francher- may not be able to identify faulty thoughts- individual differences.
free association to enable anorexics to cope better with internal conflicts that are causing disterbance by uncovering unconsious conflicts.
1 strength and weakness of free association. +provides a way into the unconsious allowing subsequent interpretations. - inappropriate for certain disorders may encourage patient as they are allowed to talk about it at length.
study in detail- mumford and whitehouse to see if eating disorders occur more in british asians then in asians, four different schools girls between 14-16years 559-204 asians and 355white asians. given a eating attitude test and body shape questionnaire.
conlusion of m+w girls diagnosed with bulimia asians- 7, whites -2. girls diagnosed with anorexia asians-1, whites- 0 it wasnt expected.
2 strengths of m+w 1)generalisable 2)high reliability -trianglation
2 weakness of m+w 1)limited age range 2) use of DSM -if its valid (rosenhan)
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