

GCSE Computing (Databases) Flashcards on Databases, created by Kjaer on 16/06/2013.
Flashcards by Kjaer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kjaer over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Database A persistent organise store of data.
Persistent storage Non–volatile storage on a secondary storage medium such as a hard disk.
Data duplication/data redundancy Where the same data is stored more than once, unnecessarily.
Data inconsistency Where different versions of data become different because duplicated versions have been stored and updated differently.
Program – data Independence Where applications that use is shared database are separated from the actual data by a database management system. Changes can be made to one application without affecting another.
DBMS Stands for database management system, the system that separates the applications from the data and provides features that allow database systems to be created, integrated and maintained.
Views A feature of DBMS that provides each application or user with specific access rights and views of the database.
Flat file database A persistent organised store of data where data is stored in a single file organised into fields and records.
Relational database A persistent organise store of data where data is stored as a collection of related tables to minimise data redundancy.
Entity A real world object, about which data is stored in a database, corresponds to a table in the relational database.
Table A collection of data organised into records and fields within a relational database. A table represents a real–world entity.
Record Data stored about one instance of an entity i.e: one particular person or object.
Field One specific data item being stored such as surname shoe size.
Primary key A field in a table that uniquely identifies a record.
Foreign key A field in one table that is the primary key in another table and is used to create a relationship between those two tables.
Relationship The logical connection created between two tables using a primary and foreign key pair.
Form An interactive window use for data entry. Usually includes validation routines.
Validation When the computer software checks that the data entered is sensible.
Verification Where data is entered twice and checked that each version is the same, to avoid data being entered with typing mistakes.
Queries A feature of DBMS that allows the database to be interrogated. It selects records from the database based on specific criteria.
Logical operator NOT, AND, OR. Used in complex criteria in queries.
Reports Data from a database that has been processed and presented on a page in a way that makes it information. Designed for hardcopy.
Modules Sections of code within a DBMS that allow the user interface to be tailored.
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