Native American Culture Areas


Flashcards on Native American Culture Areas, created by ciburnett on 25/09/2014.
Flashcards by ciburnett, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ciburnett about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
prehistory time before written record
precontact before European contact
matrilineal family lineage is traced through the mother's side of the family
allies friends
Paleo-Indians First group of humans to make their way to the Americas by crossing the Beringia land bridge
Mesoamericans people living in Mesoamerica (located in Central America and Mexico) Early civilizations in the Americas Some of the civilizations were the Aztec, Mayan, Incas, and Toltecs
Karankawa Coahuiltecan Atakapan Tribes located in the Gulf Culture area of Texas
Kiowa Comanche Apache Tribes located in the Plains Culture area of Texas
Wichita Caddo Tribes located in the Southeastern Culture area of Texas
Jumano Tigua Tribes located in the Pubeloan Culture area of Texas
confederacies a group that works in alliance with each other
Gulf culture area fisherman hunter-gatherers live in wigwams sedentary cannibalistic rituals
Puebloan culture area live in adobe homes farmers jewelry makers traders
Southeastern culture area advanced political culture religious leaders matrilineal practice crop rotation live in wikiups (grass huts) sedentary
Plains culture area nomadic horse tamers and riders buffalo hunters fierce warriors live in teepees
crop rotation process of rotating crops so that the soil doesn't lose nutrients
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