Linux LP1 Chapter 1


Chapter 1
Koz .
Flashcards by Koz ., updated more than 1 year ago
Koz .
Created by Koz . over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The three main components of an operating system are: kernel, shell and filesystem
Who starts and kills programs? The Kernel
Does the Kernel handle the displaying of text? Yes
Switching of applications is handle by who? The Kernel
What is the name when a task has run a sufficient amount of time, the CPU pauses the task so that another may run Pre-emptive multitasking
Doing several tasks at once, is called? Multitasking
Small piece of code, when the computer starts up Boot loader
Applications make request to whom? The kernel
Why do applications make request? To receive resources
What resources does the application need? Memory, CPU and Disk
What is a process? One task that is loaded
Who does the Kernel track? A process
Who takes care of running the process? The Kernel
How many processes does an application need? multiple
Who compiles the source code into machine code? A compiler
You get the right to use the machine code, but cannot see the source code, is called? closed-source license
What view does an open source take on software? source-centric view
What does GNU stand for? GNU’s, not UNIX
The major players in the market are? Red Hat​ or Debian​
Red Hat distributed what? Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)
What type of source is Red Hat Enterprise? Open source
What type of source is Debian? Open source
Most popular Debian derived distribution? Ubuntu​
The TiVo is a consumer digital video recorder built on what? Linux
An operating system provides at least what? one shell or interface
The two most common types of shells are? GUI and CLI
GUI Graphical User Interface
CLI Command Line Interface
The ​bash​ shell derives its name from? the Bourne Shell
Bourne Shell: B​ourne ​A​gain SH​ell.
What command to use to change your default shell? ​chsh​ command
Where is the location where the system stores the default shell for user accounts? ​/etc/passwd​ file
If the system is configured with GUI, then you will need to find a software called? Terminal
Linux servers, are not configured to provide a GUI by default, they present? a CLI
Insecure connections could be made using protocols such as: Telnet​ and ​rlogin
Programs that provide secure connections: ​putty​ and ​ssh
To the user what is a filesystem? Hierarchy of directories
In what place is the root / directory in the directory tree? At the top
To the operating system, a filesystem is? Structure
disk partition consist of? Tables
What do disk partition define? The locations of directories and files
What is another way to look at a command? look at its source
What is the source of a command? where the command "comes from"
How many Sources does a command have? several different sources
Site where GPL licensed software can be found:
What does the GPL licensed code compels distributors to do? source code available
What is a script file? A text file that contains commands
What is the Syntax Pattern of a command? command [options…] [arguments…]
Example of a mnemonic character: letter "a" for "all"
Multiple single options can be either: Separate or combine
How is ​--badname interpret? As an option
How is --badname interpret? sysadmin@localhost​:​~​$​ touch -- --badname as an argument
common use of the ​exec​ command is? wrapper scripts
purpose of a script is to simply configure and launch another program wrapper scripts
What information does the uname command show? system information
​"pwd" ​command, which is mnemonic for: "​print w​orking ​directory"
When executed without any options, the ​pwd​ command will display Current Directory where the user is
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