Nervous Systems VII


Flashcards on Nervous Systems VII, created by J yadonknow on 10/05/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Key components of a reflex arc: Sense organ Afferent neuron Synapse Efferent neuron Neuro-muscular junction Muscle
Reflex Arc (6) Generator P AP EPSP (and IPSP) AP End-plate P AP
MOA (7) 1. Sense organ generator pt 2. Stim large enough - aff fires AP 3. Aff releases neurot at synapse 4. If neurot bind to R in post-synaptic term then EPSP. 5. AP propagated along Eff 6. epsp at end plate = endplate potential 7. Propagated along muscle generating AP
Knee-jerk reflex is an example of a Mono-synaptic reflex
What's the stimulation? Stretching of the patella tendon
What does this cause? Stretching of extensor muscle
How is stretch sensed? By muscle spindle
What does this activate? Afferent 1a sensory nerve
What does this go on to stimulate and how? 1a releases excitatory neurot from collaterals which synapse onto excitatory neuromuscular junctions
What do these do? Release Ach onto extensor muscle, causes it to contract
Where else do collaterals secrete exc neurot? Onto inhibitory synapses
What's the result? inhibitory neurot released onto excitatory neuromuscular junction Flexo relaxes
What's the name of this time of inhibition and excitation? Reciprocal inhibition
How does GABA work? Inhibitory neurot + Cl- channels Lowers AP
Polysynaptic Spinal Reflex stimulus standing on tack Stimulus + painR in heel
MOA flexor contraction Sensory afferent neuron collaterals synapse with other neurons in the spinal chord Release exc. neurot onto flexor muscle motor neurons Flexor motor neurons release Ach onto muscle Flexor contracts
Why need reciprocal inhibition? Antagonistic pair necessitates reciprocal inhibition
Reciprocal inhibition Sensory afferent also releases exc. neurot onto inhib. synapse Release inhib neurot onto extensor motor neuron
Balance As balance needed, sensory neurons communicate w/ interneurons on opposite side of spinal chord Activates motor neuron innervating extensor and inhibits flexor
What is the knee-jerk test used for? Test if LMN are working
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