Biotech I


Flashcards on Biotech I, created by J yadonknow on 14/05/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Acetobacter Acetic acid Obligate aerobes
Vitamin C Acetobacter incomplete [O]
AB Streptomyces
Swiss cheese propionic acid bacteria
Insulin efficiency Small peptide Easier to construst aGene than making from larger precursor protein
Codon bias Codon usage preference varies btw. org Many need to alter codons used to fit w/ those recognised by your bacterial species
Other problems w/ mammalian genes in bacteria Protein may require post-translational mod May be degraded by host May be toxic to host
Production of metabolites requires Single gene won't suffice Build up whole metabolic pathway
Pathway engineering Assemble met. pathway using genes from 1 or more org. to produce large amounts of metabolite
Indigo production (4) tryptophan tryptophanase in E.coli Indole Napthalene oxygenase from pseudomonas
Biomediation Org. to clean up enviro pollutants
Microbial plastic PHAs
Microbial leaching Low grade ore crushed + dumped in pattern w/ ^ SA Fe3+ crucial [RA]
Metagenomes Collective genomes of all organisms growing in an environment
Gene mining Isolate potentially useful novel genes w/o having to culture the org.
Targeted gene mining Metagenomics used to screen directly for Ez. w/ certain properties.
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