
Flashcards on RESURRECTION FLASH CARDS, created by MARTINA MORAN on 28/05/2018.
Flashcards by MARTINA MORAN, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by MARTINA MORAN over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
CARD 1: Comment on this Resurrection passage: MT 10:28 •28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather be afraid of God, who can destroy both body and soul in hell.  There is some sort of existence after death God is the ultimate power There is some form of judgement The soul is immortal There is an after life for body and soul.. 
CARD 2 John 21 - the Resurrection of Jesus is broken into 3 categories. What are these categories? John 21: •This is divided into 3 sections.  Highlight in 3 highlights the following and label with these headings. • •Jesus appears to the disciples by the Sea of Galilee ( 1-14) •Jesus commissions Peter to Shepherd his people (12-23) •John’s testimony confirmed (remaining text)
Philippians 1:21-24 What is Paul's view on RESURRECTION Paul says: I want very much to leave this life and be with Christ, which is a far better thing; but for your sake it is much more important that I remain alive He clearly believes in a life after death with Jesus. He has this belief because of the RESURRECTION of Jesus
What does 1 Corinthians 15 show about beliefs about the Resurrection of both body and soul •The Resurrection of Jesus is an objective fact.  Paul believes this because of his conversion experience on the road to Damascus. •Christian believers are also resurrected. (12-19) •Jesus is the new Adam – Adam brought death but Jesus brings eternal life. •There is a Resurrected body for everyone which far exceeds their earthly body. •Resurrection is not the same as resuscitation.  Resuscitation brings a person back in the same form; Resurrection involves some glorified form.
USEFUL QUOTES FROM 1 CORINTHIANS 15 on Resurrection 1. since our message is that Christ has been raised from death, how can some of you say that the dead will not be raised to life? 2. If Christ had not been raised your faith has been in vain 3. But the truth is that Christ has been raised from death, as the guarantee that those who sleep in death will also be raised.
1 CORINTHIANS 15 On Resurrection of the Body Useful quotes 1. When buried, it is a physical body; when raised, it will be a spiritual body 2. There is, of course, a physical body, so there has to be a spiritual body
RUDOLF BULTMANN A German theologian. All that is needed for Christian belief is to accept that Jesus lived, preached and died by crucifixion. Wanted to ‘demytholise’ the New Testament Modern readers can not accept many of the accounts in the NT without abandoning all modern intellect and knowledge. He wants to defend Christianity in the modern world.
BULTMANN AND MYTH A myth is ‘ the report of an event or occurrence in which supernatural, superhuman powers or persons are at work A way in which people attempt i) to explain the world in which they live and their existence in it Ii) to explain the divine in human terms.
BULTMANN AND THE RESURRECTION The Resurrection was not an historical event. The Resurrection stories are myths The early followers believed it to be ‘true’ and St Paul even tried to prove it in 1 Corinthians 15. BUT you cannot expect modern, scientifically minded people to believe in the Resurrection of a corpse.
BULTMANN'S VIEW OF THE RESURRECTION (1) Jesus is God’s son – not literally- but in the sense that he is the expression of God. You DO NOT have to believe in a physical resurrection of Jesus to have faith. Modern Christians can’t accept the Resurrection because it cannot be proved and even if it could it does not give meaning to the crucifixion. The demytholosied form of the resurrection is seen as the realisation that the crucifixion was not a defeat but a victory.
BULTMANN'S VIEW OF THE RESURRECTION (2) The crucifixion of Jesus contained the Resurrection within it. Easter is about the rising of faith in the early church, not of Jesus rising. In this then, Bultmann tries to maintain the ‘kerygma’ whilst rejecting the historical nature of the Resurrection. N.B. you should link to Bultmann and myth of Gnosticism from tar kerygma
N.T. WRIGHTS VIEW ON THE RESURRECTION The Resurrection of Jesus did happen It is an historical event It is not a myth that needs explaining for modern minds He says 'the best historical explanation is the one that inevitable raises all kinds of theological questions: the tomb was indeed empty and Jesus was indeed seen alive, because he has truly risen from the dead!’
N.T WRIGHT The Resurrection is historical. The writers could not have been influenced by Greek myth WHY? THE GREEK IDEA WAS TOTALLY DIFFERENT: No evidence of belief in the afterlife – certainly no evidence of a physical after life or bodily resurrection Plato held out the possibility of an afterlife for the soul but not of a physical resurrection Homer – the poet – spoke about Hades – the places of the dead
N.T WRIGHT The Resurrection is historical. The writers could not have been influenced by JEWISH thought WHY? THERE WAS NO ONE UNDERSTANDING IN JUDAISM: Sheol – the place of the dead – dangerous and forbidden to wake them up. Isaiah Resurrection is for whole nation and will happen to all people at same time. Many believe in a physical resurrection but disagree about the manner and time. Evidence in Ezekial 27 and Daniel 12 The sadduccess denied the possiblity of Resurrection – the Pharisees insisted on it
N.T. WRIGHT AND EARLY CHRISTIAN BELIEF ABOUT THE RESURRECTION It is clear that the Early Christians believed that Jesus had risen from the dead. The passages show they had the belief. It is part of the kerygma of the early church (link C.H.Dodd) This belief is more united than anything before in Jewish though.
WHY DID THE EARLY CHRISTIANS HAVE THIE BELIEF IN THE RESURRECTION N.T.WRIGHT states other 'messianic movements died out when the leader was killed. However this one doesn't (link CH Dodd) The passages show a bodily as well as a spiritual resurrection Jesus is not just resuscitated, he is transformed.
N.T.WRIGHT REJECTS THAT: i) Jesus survived crucifixion ii) The disciples had visions iiI) The body of Jesus was stolen n.t.wright says: i) The Romans knew how to kill people. Johns Gospel states 'blood and water' - Jesus is dead at least an hour. ii) Visions of the recently departed are common but the do not cause people to proclaim the person has risen from the dead. iii) The Roman guards were watching the tomb.
JOHN 20 The Resurrection Account The account says that: 1. John the beloved disciple 'saw and believed' 2. Mary comes to believe when she hears Jesus call her name 3. The disciples recognise Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit 4. Thomas believes when he is allowed to touch Jesus' wounds. 5. John says those who read this evidence will believe.
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