PART III: Doctrine Article 12


Part III: Doctrine Flashcards on PART III: Doctrine Article 12, created by ablackwood on 29/06/2013.
Flashcards by ablackwood, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ablackwood over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The visible elements of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper are the _____ and the _____ of the _____. bread; fruit; vine
The bread represents the broken _____ of _____. body; Christ
The wine represents the _____ of _____; it is shed as the seal of the _____. blood; Christ; new covenant
The benefits of the Lord’s Supper are received by _____. faith
The Lord’s Supper is a _____ of Christ’s death and an anticipation of His _____. memorial; return
The observance of the Lord’s Supper is vital to _____ and spiritual _____. obedience; nurture
The aim of the sacrament of the washing of the saints’ feet is to represent continued _____ with _____, the believer’s _____ to others in the body. union; Christ; purification; servanthood
The element of water in footwashing represents the _____ of those who are in Christ. washing
The act of footwashing feet represents believers’ _____ to one another. subjection
The sacrament of footwashing provides an instrument of grace for the perpetuation of spiritual _____ and the _____ of servants. purification; fellowship
By its nature, the Lord’s Supper is a meal and is, therefore, and appropriate symbol of _____. nourishment
The act of pouring wine depicts the _____ of Christ’s blood. shedding
Christ designated the cup as the _____ in His blood. new testament
Jesus emphasized the Lord’s Supper as an act of _____. celebration
In John 13:15, 16, Jesus designated His act of washing the disciples’ feet as an _____ to the believers. example
The continuance of the practice of the washing of the saints’ feet in church practice is shown in _____. 1 Timothy 5:10
Christ gave the sacrament of footwashing _____ significance. redemptive
1 John 13:10, Jesus showed that the cleansing of this sacrament is _____. symbolical
Both the Lord’s Supper and the washing of the saints’ feet are _____ observances. repetitive
The repetition of the Lord’s Supper recognizes the constant need for _____ and the need for frequent reminders of Christ’s _____. nourishment; return
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