1.1 Protocols and Ports - Flashcards.


1.0 Networking Concepts
Edvin Milkunic
Flashcards by Edvin Milkunic, updated more than 1 year ago
Edvin Milkunic
Created by Edvin Milkunic over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Secure Shell (SSH) Sets up a secure Telnet session over a standard TCP/IP connection. (TCP 23)
Domain Name Service (DNS) Resolves hostnames— specifically, Internet names. (TCP and UDP 53)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) SMTP is used to send mail. (TCP 25)
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Used for transferring files over an encrypted connection. (TCP 22)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Lets you transfer files across an IP network. (TCP 20, 21)
TELNET Terminal Emulator, used to access information on another machine. (TCP 23)
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Insecure version of FTP used to send and receive files. (UDP 69)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Assigns IP addresses to hosts with information provided by a server. (UDP 67/68)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Manages communications between web browsers and web servers. (TCP 80)
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) A secure version of HTTP. (TCP 443)
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Collects and manipulates valuable network information. (UDP 161)
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) A proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft. It allows you to connect to another computer and run programs. (TCP 3389)
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Synchronize the clocks on our computers to one standard time source. (UDP 123)
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Used for voice and video calls, streaming multimedia, instant messaging. (VoIP) (TCP or UDP 5060/TCP 5061)
Server Message Block (SMB) Used for sharing access to files and printers on a Microsoft Windows network. (TCP 445)
Post Office Protocol (POP) Storage facility for incoming mail on a single device. (TCP 110)
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Stores messages on the email server, deletes mail from all devices. (TCP 143)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Used by System Administrators to access Active Directory. (TCP 389)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Secure (LDAPS) (TCP 636)
H.323 (Video) Protocol providing a standard for video on an IP network that defines how real-time audio, video, and data information is transmitted (TCP 1720)
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Management protocol and messaging service provider for IP, works at the Network layer.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Transporting information that doesn’t require reliable delivery such as Video
Internet Protocol (IP) Internet layer; all the machines on the network have a software or logical address called an IP address
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Takes large blocks of information from an application and breaks them into segments.
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