

13.1 (2.3)
Averil Tam
Flashcards by Averil Tam, updated more than 1 year ago
Averil Tam
Created by Averil Tam about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
TRUE/FALSE? A. A morbilliform rash may be seen following MMR vaccination. True. Malaise, fever or rash may occur post-MMR vaccination, most commonly 7 to 10 days after vaccination, lasting 2 to 3 days and is due to the vaccine measles virus. Encephalopathy has been reported after measles vaccination but is much less frequent (approximately one in a million doses) than after natural measles infection (one in a thousand cases).
TRUE/FALSE? B. Post auricular and occipital lymphadenopathy are classically a feature of measles infection. False. This is a feature of rubella infection.
TRUE/FALSE? C. In utero rubella infection at any time up to 16 weeks gestation can cause sensorineural deafness. True. In utero infection with rubella up to 16 weeks gestation may cause sensorineural hearing impairment while infection within the first trimester, which is the period of organogenesis, is associated with congenital malformations.
TRUE/FALSE? D. The rash in roseola infantum is associated with resolution of fever. True. Roseola infantum, also known as exanthem subitum or sixth disease, is associated with a morbilliform rash which appears as the fever subside.
TRUE/FALSE? E. In utero infection with parvovirus B19 can cause non-immune hydrops fetalis. True. Parvovirus B19 causes fifth disease, also known as erythema infectiosum. The rash classically causes a slapped cheek appearance. Intrauterine infection may cause bone marrow suppression, leading to severe anaemia which can cause non-immune hydrops fetalis.
TRUE/FALSE? F. The rash in viral urticaria is classically pruritic. False
TRUE/FALSE? G. Koebner’s phenomenon is a bacterial toxin mediated reaction. False. It is related to trauma/pressure eg. rubbing from wristband.
TRUE/FALSE? H. Adenoviral infections may cause an exudative tonsillitis in toddlers. True. Adenovirus infection in preschoolers and toddlers can cause an exudative pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
TRUE/FALSE? I. The rash in scarlet fever is typically urticarial. False
TRUE/FALSE? J. Herpes simplex virus infection is characterised by individual papules which never coalesce. False. Punched out lesions which often coalesce.
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