Chapter 7 Flashcards


Human Diversity Flashcards on Chapter 7 Flashcards, created by Nathan Lapin on 05/07/2013.
Nathan Lapin
Flashcards by Nathan Lapin, updated more than 1 year ago
Nathan Lapin
Created by Nathan Lapin about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The process by which nations of the world become connected and interdependent through ties created by electronic communication, rapid means of travel and interlocking economies Globalization
Characteristics of Globalization Integration, Dynamism, Three Kinds of Balance
Three Kinds of Balance • Traditional balance of power now in the hands of one nation, the United States • Economic balance between nation-states and global markets • Sensitive balance between individuals and nation-states; technology gives individuals more power
Education for a Global Perspective Emphasizes human experience influenced by transnational, multicultural interaction, etc. the imperative for responsible citizens to understand global and international issues the wide variety of actors on the world stage, including states, corporations, NGOs, and individuals that humankind is highly interdependent with the state of the global environment citizen participation at both local and international levels (National Council for the Social Studies)
Piaget's 4 stages of cognitive development sensorimotor (birth-2) preoperational (2-7) concrete operations (8-12) formal operations (starting at 12)
5 Elements of Global Perspective Perspective Consciousness, State of Awareness, Cross-Culture Awareness, Knowledge of Global dynamics or World Systems, Awareness of Human Choice
Awareness that one’s view of the world is not universally shared Perspective Consciousness
Knowledge of prevailing world conditions and trends State of Planet Awareness
Knowledge of social and cultural diversity around the world Cross-Cultural Awareness
Requires modest understanding of how world ecosystems operate Knowledge of Global Dynamics or World Systems
The emergence of a global consciousness Awareness of Human Choice
Programs that Link Schools: Associated Schools Project of UNESCO, Bridges to Understanding, ePals, GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment), LinkTV, Peace Corps World Wise Schools, International Children's Digital Library, iEARN, Global SchoolNet, Global Classrooms
Ethical Issues Fair allocation of available resources in the school Consideration of local families and communities when discussing global concerns The need to balance advocacy with inquiry The length of time devoted to new ideas (changing attitudes takes time!)
DMIS Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity
Improved Cognitive Sophistication/Improved Cultural Awareness As people’s ability to understand differences increase, so does their ability to negotiate a variety of worldwide cultures.
Six Stage Linear Model Ethnocentrism(denial, defense, minimalization) to Ethnorelativism (Acceptance, Adaption, Integration).
Refers to the inability to see cultural differences and is reflective of individuals who isolate or separate themselves in homogenous groups. Denial
Recognition of cultural differences couples with negative evaluations: Denigration (belittle, discriminate), Superiority (looking down on others), Reversal (evaluating one’s own culture as inferior to another) Defense
Last Stage of Ethnocentrism, the discovery of commonality, People begin to recognize and accept the superficial cultural differences, yet still hold belief that all humans are the same Minimalization
First stage of ethnorelativism; Represents individual’s ability to recognize and appreciate cultural difference in terms of people’s vlues and their behavior Acceptance
people begin to see the cultural categories as more flexible and become more competent in their ability to communicate across cultures. Adaption
Rarely achieved can move freely between groups. Sees self “in process” by acceptance of an identity that is not based in any one culture Integration
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