Call Off | O Que Significa Este Phrasal Verb?


Site Mairo Vergara
Jefferson Dias
Flashcards by Jefferson Dias, updated more than 1 year ago
Jefferson Dias
Created by Jefferson Dias over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
She’s called off the wedding. Ela cancelou o casamento.
If we have much more rain, the game might be called off. Se tivermos muito mais chuva, o jogo pode ser cancelado.
Loose tarantula prompts Delta to call off flight. Uma tarântula solta provoca o cancelamento de um vôo da Delta.
The Bahrain Grand Prix has been called off. Uma tarântula solta provoca o cancelamento de um vôo da Delta.
The Bahrain Grand Prix has been called off. O grande prêmio do Bahrein foi cancelado.
We had to call off the meeting with the new client. Tivemos que cancelar a reunião com o cliente novo.
They’ve called off the search for survivors. Eles suspenderam a busca por sobreviventes.
Unions ordered to call off strike immediately. Os sindicatos ordenaram que suspendessem a greve imediatamente.
Police and army have called off their search from Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. A polícia e o exército suspenderam suas buscas do vôo MH370 da Malaysian Airlines.
Call off the campaign, our minds are made up. Cancelem a campanha. Já decidimos.
Call off your dog! Pare seu cachorro!
The general called off his troops. O general parou suas tropas.
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