Bindery Midterm


Flashcards on Bindery Midterm, created by marianneellison3 on 15/10/2014.
Flashcards by marianneellison3, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by marianneellison3 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition of Folding The sharp edge bending of paper under pressure at a prepared or unprepared bending point
Purposes of Folding Form sections of books To a more manageable size To fit small receptacles To create new functional products To create visual interest
Advantages of Knife Folding Not sensitive to paper weights and thicknesses Low/Average Makeready time Good accuracy Low space requirements Produces up to 128 page signature
Disadvantages of Knife Folding Mechanically complex Less folding variability Lower output speed
Advantages of Buckle Folding High output Good accuracy Simple Design High folding variability
Disadvantages of Buckle Folding Sensitive to light/heavy papers Sensitive to static electricity High makeready time Significant footprint (Large machine)
What is a Bone The hand tool used to fold a single sheet
What is a way to eliminate wrinkles on a sheet? Perforate at the head of the signature
When do you need a prepared point? To ensure the best fold possible
Zig-Zag fold is also known as a... Concertina fold
When is a slitter roller used? When you have more than 1Up or you need to trim edges
What type of feeder is predominately used in offices Box feeder or Suction feeder
What is a Crossover? When you print one picture that spreads across more than one page
What are you doing when you are adjusting the gap? Ensuring the distance between the folders are correct
What is one common method used to ensure our sheet folds at the correct spot? Scoring
What is a Tear-off Perf? When you indent the sheet enough so the user can rip off a part and send it back.
Perfect bind and case bind signatures ______ on top of each other Collate
When a line extends from one page to another over the spine, it is called a... Line-Up
When do you do miniature folding? When the product needs to fit into receptacles.
A folder that feeds paper directly from the skid is called a Pallet Feeder
A two directional gate fold can also be called a Open fold
Where is the Diagonal Roll Aligning Table? Between the parallel and right angle folders
It is best to finish a double gate fold with a Knife fold
A brochure that is 9x4 inches can be referred to as an _______ product Oblong
Right angle fold can also be called a Cross fold
The space a machine take sup is called a Footprint
Accuracy of folding is least accurate on a buckle folder
5 Types of Feeders Rotary Pile feeder Vertical Pile feeder Pallet feeder Stream feeder Box Suction feeder
4 Delivery Systems Stream Deliveries Upright Deliveries Vertical Stack Deliveries Bundle Deliveries
Challenges with continuous feeders Constantly fanning
Why are combination rollers used? Rubber good for grip, metal good for removing static electricity
What are slitter shafts removed with? Noncorosive Linchpins
When is scoring used? When a sheet has heavy stock, when a sheet is varnished/heavy ink coverage, or when folding against the grain
How do you ensure accuracy in the right angle folds, what should you do? Score the paper
Where is the scoring blade normally mounted? On the upper slitter shaft
What is the term for a sheet lying flat that is to be folded Bookbinding sheet
Where did Letter fold get its name from? When you used a typewriter and had to fold it to fit into an envelope
What is another way to say binders marks? Tell tale marks
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