heat transfer- conduction, convection, radiation


This describes the main processes of heat transfer in the 3 states of matter.
Thalia Grace
Flashcards by Thalia Grace, updated more than 1 year ago
Thalia Grace
Created by Thalia Grace over 6 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Conduction - transfer of heat in solids - high temperature => low temperature - flow stops when temperature is equal Particle model of conduction - particles move closer to heat source => vibration - particles bump into those next to them and transfer energy - as this continues to happen heat energy spreads through the substance
Good conductors of heat - things that conduct well are called 'good conductors' most metals are good conductors eg. copper, iron, aluminium - they are good thermal conductors- that's why we use them as cooking utensils
Convection - method of heat transfer in gas or liquid - requires substances that flow - cannot happen in solids Particle model of convection - hot liquids and gases rise when heated - as particles gain energy the expand - causes the substance to get less dense - eg: when boiling water, water is heated and becomes steam, and the steam rises.
Movement of gas or fluid by convection is also known as 'convection current' Example
Radiation - all objects emit heat through infra-red radiation - the more heat an object contains, the more infra- red radiation it gives off - the sun's heat reaches the earth through radiation Particle model of radiation - no particles are involved in heat radiation - which is why it works in space - this type of heat transfer does not require any medium
Objects : Absorption - dark surfaces absorb more heat than light surfaces - shiny surfaces reflect more heat than dull surfaces.
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