Anatomy quiz


Flashcards on Anatomy quiz, created by mikeychapman on 28/10/2014.
Flashcards by mikeychapman, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mikeychapman almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the name of rhythmic contraction of smooth muscle? Peristalsis - occurs in G.I tract
What does smooth muscle have in place of troponin? Calmodulin
What are the characteristics of neurogenic muscle? Requires nerve stimulation Skeletal and multi-unit smooth muscle
What differences are there between red and white muscle (not including the colour!) Red muscle has more: mitochondria, myoglobin and capillaries. This is for aerobic respiration, and also makes red muscle slower to fatigue
What are sarcomeres composed of? Actin, myosin, troponin and tropomyosin
What is the role of ATP in muscle contraction? ATP binds to the myosin head to release it from the actin site
What neurotransmitter is used to regulate muscle contraction? AcetylCholine
What is a comminuted fracture? A fracture that results in two or more bone components
How is a colles' fracture typically acquired? Using your hands to break a fall
Why do bones become brittle with age? Decrease in collagen fibre production due to the loss a Ca from osteoid
Name the four vertebral regions Cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral
What is the formation of blood known as? Haematopoiesis
What is the formation of red blood cells known as? Erythropoiesis
What section of bone lies between the diaphysis and epiphysis of a long bone? metaphysis
What is the name for the stem cells found in bone? Osteogenic cells
What connects osteocytes together? Canaliculi
What is endochondral ossification? Formation of bone from cartilage
Describe the supine position Lying face up
What section of the body contains the heart? Thorax
Give an example of a positive feedback loop Childbirth - baby pushes against cervix, and the following nerve impulses sent to the brain stimulate the release of oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract = baby pushes against cervix more and loop starts again
What is the role of tendons? Connect muscle to bone
What is the role of ligaments? Connecting bone to bone
Name the three heads of the deltoid muscle Posterior, lateral/medial, anterior
What is a positive feedback loop? A feedback mechanism that results in the amplification or growth of the stimulus e.g. number of childbirths = larger population = even more childbirths....
What are the three anatomical planes? Sagittal, coronal, and transverse
Name the immature bone type formed during development woven
What defines an open fracture? The bone breaks the skin
What is the anatomical name of the main muscle present in the hamstring? Bicep femoris
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