Mystery / Crime


Subgenres of mystery & crime fiction Source:
Maria Rita Pepe
Flashcards by Maria Rita Pepe, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria Rita Pepe
Created by Maria Rita Pepe over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Amateur Detective a mystery solved by an amateur, who generally has some profession or affiliation that provides ready access to information about the crime
Child in Peril a mystery involving the abduction or persecution of a child
Classic Whodunit a crime that is solved by a detective, from the detective’s point of view, with all clues available to the reader
Comic (Bumbling Detective) a mystery played for laughs, often featuring a detective who is grossly unskilled (but often solves the crime anyway, owing to tremendous good luck)
Cozy a mystery that takes place in a small town—sometimes in a single home—where all the suspects are present and familiar with one another, except the detective, who is usually an eccentric outsider
Courtroom Drama a mystery that takes place through the justice system—often the efforts of a defense attorney to prove the innocence of his client by finding the real culprit
Dark Thriller a mystery that ventures into the fear factor and graphic violence of the horror genre
Espionage the international spy novel—here based less on action than on solving the “puzzle”—is today less focused on the traditional enemy spies than on terrorists
Forensic a mystery solved through the forensics lab, featuring much detail and scientific procedure
Heists and Capers an “antihero” genre which focuses on the planning and execution of a crime, told from the criminal’s perspective
Historical a mystery that takes place in a specific, recognizable period of history, with much emphasis on the details of the setting
Inverted a story in which the reader knows “whodunit,” but the suspense arises from watching the detective figure it out
Locked Room a mystery in which the crime is apparently committed under impossible circumstances (but eventually elicits a rational explanation)
Medical generally involving a medical threat (e.g., a viral epidemic), or the illegitimate use of medical technology
Police Procedural a crime solved from the perspective of the police, following detailed, real-life procedures
Private Detective focused on the independent snoop-for-hire, these have evolved from tough-guy “hard-boiled” detectives to the more professional operators of today
Psychological Suspense mysteries focused on the intricacies of the crime and what motivated the perpetrator to commit them
Romantic a mystery in which the crime-solvers fall in love
Technothriller a spinoff from the traditional thriller mystery, with an emphasis on high technology
Thriller a suspense mystery with a wider—often international—scope and more action
Woman in Jeopardy focuses on a woman put into peril by a crime, and her struggles to overcome or outwit the perpetrator
Young Adult a story aimed at a teenage audience, with a hero detective generally the same age or slightly older than the reader, pursuing criminals who are generally less violent—but often just as scary—as those in adult mysteries
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