Pharmacology - Angina


Pharmacology NURS2005 Cardiac medications
Flashcards by P B, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by P B over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the rationale for angina treatment? 1. Provide symtpom relief 2. Reduce risk of MI and death
Which class of drugs is used for angina symptom relief and name one drug Class:Short acting nitrates Drug: Glyceral trinitrate
Which route are short acting nitrates taken? Sublingually, to provide rapid relief for angina symptoms
What is the MOA of nitrates? producing vasodilation --> reduce venous return and preload to the heart, reducing myocardial oxygen requirement
What is the first line treatment for Angina? Beta Blockers : eg: Metoprolol
What medication is used to treat Angina if Beta Blockers are contraindicated? CCB - verapamil
Can beta blockers be stopped immediatley No, abrupt withdrawl may lead to increased risk of MI and sudden death
Name a long acting nitrate and describe what they are used for Transdermal glyceryl nitrate (patch), used to prevent chronic angina in patients wih more frequent symptoms
Advise on a practice point for Nitrates in hte treatment of Angina 1. Tolerance occurs can can occur wth 24hr, so nitrate free intervals are required 10-12 hours per day
How long should a patient keep short acting oral tablet nitrates prior to disposal Once open, glyceral nitrate sublingual tablets shelf life is 3 months, compared to oral spray 2 years.
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