The Self from Various Perspective (Philosophy)


From the book of John Chaffee entitled The Philosophers Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas credits to the writer and also to the owner of the pictures
Andrea J
Flashcards by Andrea J, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea J
Created by Andrea J about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Socrates The soul is immortal >Greek >First moral philosopher
Plato The soul is immortal >Greek >three part soul (reason, spirit and appetite) >chariot analogy >Dualism- mind and body are not identical >A soul using the body
Plotinus >Roman philosopher >Based on Plato's concept >Soul is perfect, body is not >Neoplatonism- term used to designated a tradition of Philosophy
St. Augustine >Neoplatonism >First theologian- study of God >Dualism >Body as a cage for the soul >Physical body is the slave of the soul
St. Thomas Aquinas >Pro-Aristotle >Hylomorphism- philosophical theory, Aristotle, that views "being" as a compound of matter and form. >Soul is a principle of life
Rene Descartes >Soul is a thinking entity >Father of Modern Philosophy >Dualism >"I think, therefore I am" >Real seeker after truth "doubt"
John Locke >The self is consciousness >awareness and experiences are keys of understanding the self >Empiricism- sense experience is th primary source of all knowledge >thinking, reasoning, reflecting identity
David Hume >There is no self >Empiricist >If we carefully examine our sense experience through introspection, we will discover that there is no self
Immanuel Kant >We construct the self >All knowldge comes from experience >Trancedental Idealism >The order and organization of our world comes in large measure of us
Sigmund Freud >The self is multilayered >Psychoanalysis >2 levels of human function: conscious and unconscious >Structural model of the mind: id,ego and superego >Topogrophical model of the mind: conscious, unconscious and preconscious
Gilbert Ryle >The self is how you behave >attacked against dualism >Concept of the mind (1949), ghot in the machine, mind and body problem >Behaviorism- behavior of the people >Analytic philosopher
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