Intelligent agents


Flashcards on Intelligent agents, created by August Edström on 29/10/2018.
August Edström
Flashcards by August Edström, updated more than 1 year ago
August Edström
Created by August Edström over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the most important aspects of agents? – According to Russel & Norvig Percieving its environment and acting upon that environment
Name two reasons why we would want to adopt the multiagent paradigm Omni-present, connected, human-oriented software
What is the difference between an agent and an object? Agents are autonomous, Smart, flexible behaviour, Active (an agents has at least one thread in which it has active control)
Explain the intentional stance by means of an example A bird will fly away because it knows the cat is coming and is afraid of getting eaten
Specify PEAS for the IBM Watson Jeopardy system PEAS are specifications in designing a rational agent. P - right answer, winning the game, E - Jeoperdy game, A - Text, S - keyboard entry?
Indicate for a self-driving car what the environment is (observable, agents, deterministic, episodic, static, concrete) Partially, Multi, Stochastic, Sequential, Dynamic, Continuous
What is the difference between a model-based and a simple reflex agent? Model-based cares about history, simple reflex does not
Explain the architecture of a utility-based agent It is goal-oriented but can achieve the goal in a number of ways. Utility is determined by the user
What is a dialogue protocol? Explain by giving a concrete example of a protocol A schema of how a dialogue should be conducted. Agent A sends Request to agent B. B Agrees. B Inform A.
Name three reasons why we would want to define and study formal dialogue protocols A shared understanding of the meaning of utterances, sequences of utterances and dialogues for agents To enable different agent languages and protocols o be compared To enable agent languages and protocols to be readily implemented in production systems
Take the payoff matrix as given on slide 52 (prisoner’s dilemma) – What is the dominant strategy for a1? And for a2? – Which outcome(s) has (have) the highest social welfare? – Which outcome(s) is (are) pareto optimal? - To confess -Not confess -Not confess
What is the definition of a Nash equilibrium? – Does the prisoner’s dilemma (slide 54) have a Nash equilibrium? That no individual has the incentive to change strategy without an agreement beforehand -Yes, confess.
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