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Earth's Materials (Chemistry)


A deck of chemistry questions for low level Chemistry exams.
Flashcards by Eamon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Eamon over 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Thermal Decomposition? A compound (two elements combined) broken down by heat.
How does Igneous rock form? Forms when magma erupts to the surface to then cool down and solidify.
How does Sedimentary rock form? Forms when rocks are broken down by erosion to then be transported, over time they get squashed together by pressure to form Sedimentary rock.
How does Metamorphic rock form? Similar to Sedimentary rock the difference is the rock melts from intense heat when under pressure, once it cools down it has crystals interlocking to the make the rock extremely Strong.
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