Biology B1.1 - Genes


Flashcards with questions covering the specification for OCR 21st Century Science B1 module - part 1 of 4, Genes
Vanessa Wong
Flashcards by Vanessa Wong, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by raffia.khalid99 over 9 years ago
Vanessa Wong
Copied by Vanessa Wong almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are genes? Genes are the instructions that control how an organism develops or functions
Where are genes found? In the nucleus
Genes describe how to make..... Proteins
Describe and give an example of a structural protein Something that gives shape or physical structure to a cell e.g. collagen
Describe and give an example of functional proteins Proteins that carry out a function e.g. enzymes such as amylase
Genes are short sections of what? DNA
What do long DNA molecules make? Chromosomes
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