Tower of London : people


Flashcards on Tower of London : people, created by Natasha Keys on 09/11/2018.
Natasha Keys
Flashcards by Natasha Keys, updated more than 1 year ago
Natasha Keys
Created by Natasha Keys almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
who was the explorer that was held in the Tower? in which year(s) was he held there? Walter Raleigh. 1591 and 1603.
who was the archbishop of Canterbury that was held as a prisoner? Simon Sudbury.
Who was the first prisoner of the Tower? Ranulf Flambard.
which wife of Henry VIII was held prisoner and beheaded in the Tower? when did both these things happen? Anne Boleyn. arrested - 2nd may 1536. beheaded - 19th may 1536.
Who was the Tower's first escapee? Ranulf Flambard.
Who attempted to steal the crown jewels in 1671? Thomas 'Colonel' Blood.
who were the last prisoners to be held in the Tower and in which year did this happen? the Kray twins. (Ronald and Reggie) In 1952.
who was Hitler's second in command that was held in the Tower for a few days during the war (1952)? Randolf Hess.
how long have the beefeaters (yeoman warders) been guarding the Tower? 1485 until present.
which hero of war was constable of the Tower for 26 years during the industrial period? Duke of Wellington.
who was the catholic traitor held and tortured in the Tower during the reign of King James I? Guy Fawkes.
what happened to the Princes in the Tower in 1483? they disappeared, presumed murdered.
who was the architect that began to medievalise the Tower in 1850? Antony Slavin.
name the three queens executed in the Tower and in which years? Anne Boleyn - 1536 Catherine Howard - 1542 Lady Jane Grey - 1554
who imprisoned Elizabeth I and why? her sister Mary I because Elizabeth was a protestant and Mary was a catholic.
Medieval Period =? 1066 - 1500.
Early Modern Period =? 1500 - 1750.
Industrial period =? 1750 - 1900.
Modern =? 1900 - present.
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