Urogential system in females (IGCSE Biology)


A level Psychology (Human reproduction (IGCSE Biology)) Flashcards on Urogential system in females (IGCSE Biology), created by Emily Woods on 08/11/2014.
Emily Woods
Flashcards by Emily Woods, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Woods
Created by Emily Woods almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Urogenital system (in females) Contains urinary system (Bladder & Ureter), Oviduct/Fallopian tube, Uterus/womb, Funnel of oviduct, Ovary, Muscular wall of uterus, Lining of uterus, Cervix, and Vagina
Urinary system Bladder (pushed to one side), & Ureter
Oviduct/Fallopian tube Carries ovum to uterus, fertilisation usually occurs in first third of oviduct
Uterus/womb -Where fetus develops, during pregnancy uterus increases in volume from 10m3 to 5dm3 -Contains a muscular wall & has a lining
Funnel of oviduct Collects ovum released from the ovary at ovulation
Ovary Contains follicles which develop the ova (female gametes), & produces oestrogen & progesterone
Oestrogen -Secreted by ovaries -stops FSH being produced so that only one egg matures in a cycle -stimulates the pituitary gland to release the hormone LH
Progesterone -Secreted by ovaries -Maintains the lining of the uterus during the middle part of the menstrual cycle & during pregnancy
Female gametes (ova) -Much larger than sperm (male gametes) -Produced in small numbers, one per month -Don't move, but have large food store
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