J-Flashcds Life Tchngs Finl Stdy Gde Fall '18 Set 3 Qs. 391-429


Life and Teachings Set 3
Bobbie Sharper
Flashcards by Bobbie Sharper, updated more than 1 year ago
Bobbie Sharper
Created by Bobbie Sharper over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
391. Jesus met with two disciples on the Road to Emmaus
392. How did they recognize Jesus? Bread breaking
393. When Jesus came to the Upper Room, what did the disciples thought He was? A spirit (ghost)
394. Jesus allayed their fear by giving to them the customary Jewish greeting: Peace to you
395. Jesus showed them then His; a. Hands b. Feet c. Side
396. Jesus’ resurrection body was not subject to: a. Time b. Space c. Density
397. Jesus sent His disciples into the World
398. When Jesus breathed upon the disciples, what did He tell them to receive? The Holy Spirit
399. At that time, he gave them a foretaste of Pentecost
400. He repeated the charge concerning their use of The keys of the kingdom
401. Which one of the apostles was absent when Jesus appeared to the assembled disciples? Thomas
402. What did he demand to believe that Jesus was alive Proof
403. When Jesus saw that disciple, he told him: Don’t be an Unbeliever but a believer
404. What did that disciple confess? My Lord and my God
405. His highest blessing would have been to believe without Seeing
406. Jesus had said that He would meet his disciples in Galilee
407. On which side of the boat did Jesus tell the disciples to cast their net? Right
408. Jesus asked this disciple if he loved Him more than the others? Peter
409. Which two kinds of love did Jesus question him over? a. Supreme love b. Friendship love
410. Which other disciple was talked about? John
411. The Great Commission is to Make disciples
412. To which one of his brothers did Jesus appear? James
413. That is reported only by Paul
414. What did he become after in Jerusalem? A leader of the Church
415. Which two brothers of Jesus have written New Testament Epistles? a. James b. Jude
416. Jesus instructed the disciples that the gospel of redemption is to be preached into all Nations
417. Their preaching was to begin from Jerusalem
418. What did the Eleven have to share with others? a. Knowledge b. Experience
419. Jesus promised to send upon them The Holy Spirit
420. Where were they supposed to wait? In Jerusalem
421. When was that promise fulfilled? At Pentecost
422. The intervening ten days must have been days of earnest Self-examination
423. After Jesus and the Eleven left the Upper Room, they went to The Garden of Gethsemane
424. What did Jesus ask his disciples to be after his departure? Witnesses
425. In order, what itinerary did he give them? a. Jerusalem b. All Judea c. Samaria d. Uttermost part of the world
426. Before leaving them, Jesus pronounced a final Benediction
427. While he was doing so, he began to Ascend into Heaven
428. Who appeared after to them? Two angels
429. What promise did they make to the Eleven? He will return
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