Maternal Deprivation


Chanelle Titchener
Flashcards by Chanelle Titchener, updated more than 1 year ago
Chanelle Titchener
Created by Chanelle Titchener over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Theory of Maternal Care - Value of maternal care - Critical Period - Long-term consequences - Key study
Value of Maternal Care - Findings from several studies came as quite a shock as no one had considered its long-term effects of separation on infants - Bowbly didn't believe that it was enough for an infant just being well-fed and kept safe and warm
Critical Period - Bowbly believed that a young child who is denied care because of frequent separation from the mother could result in the infant becoming emotionally disturbed - Separation will only have this effect within 2.5 years, and if there is no presence of a caregiver, up to 5 years
Long-term Consequences - A consequence of long-term separation will result in emotional maladjustment and even mental health problems such as depression
44 Juvenile Thieves - Bowlby (1944) analysed case histories of a number of patients in his child clinic - All children were emotionally maladjusted - Studied 88 children (44 thieves) - Thieves were affectionless psychopaths and lacked normal signs of affection and shame
44 Juvenile Thieves - 12/14 thieves experienced frequent separations compared with 5/30 - none of the control patients experienced early separations compared with 39% of all thieves
Evaluation Real-world application > Had an enormous impact of post-war thinking on childcare in hospitals > Before Bowlby's research, children were separated from their parents when in hospital > Robertson (1952) filmed a 2yr old during her stay in hospital - emotional distress
Evaluation Physical and emotional separation > Many people assume that physical separation is the cause when discussing deprivation, but may also be related to psychological separation > A mother may be physically present but may not provide suitable emotional care
Evaluation Deprivation vs Privation > Rutter (1981) criticised Bowlby's theory in that it never made specific if the child's attachment had been broken or had not formed at all > Deprivation = lack of attachment bond > Privation = loss of attachment bond
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