Influence of Early Attachments


Chanelle Titchener
Flashcards by Chanelle Titchener, updated more than 1 year ago
Chanelle Titchener
Created by Chanelle Titchener over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Role of the Internal Working Model - Bowlby's concept of IWM is similar to a schema - An infant learns what relationships are through experience: an "operable" model so behaviour can be predicted
Key Study Hazan and Shaver (1987) - Love quiz (US publication) asked about attachment experiences and history of attachment types - 205 men, 415 women self-report found to be similar in adults as in infants (56% secure, 25% avoidant, 19% resistant) - +ve correlation between attachment type and love experiences
Behaviours Influenced by the IWM Childhood friendships - Minnesota child-parent study found continuity between early attachment and later emotional/social behaviour - Infants classed as secure became the most competent later in childhood
Behaviours Influenced by the IWM Poor parenting - Harlow's research demonstrated a link between poor attachment and later difficulties with parenting - Lack of IWM = lack of a reference point to form later relationships
Behaviours Influenced by the IWM Romantic relationships - "Love Quiz" demonstrated a link between early attachment type and later relationships - Secure = longer lasting relationships
Behaviours Influenced by the IWM Mental health - Lack of attachment during the critical period = lack of IWM - Children with attachment disorder have no preferred attachment figure, an inability to interact and relate to others and have experience of frequent neglect
Evaluation Correlational research > Research linking the IWM to later relationships is correlational rather than experimental = cannot distinguish cause and effect
Evaluation Retrospective classification > Most studies rely on retrospective classification (questions about childhood) > Recollections can be flawed but longitudinal studies also support research
Evaluation Overly determinist > Suggests that very early experiences have a fixed effect on later adult relationships > Children who are insecurely attached are doomed to experience unsatisfactory relationships as adults > Not the case = happy adults could have been insecurely attached children
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