Landscape History 1 , set 3


Asian gardens, colonial gardens
Virginia Jenkins
Flashcards by Virginia Jenkins, updated more than 1 year ago
Virginia Jenkins
Created by Virginia Jenkins about 6 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Saiho - ji Location: Kyoto, Japan Year: 1339 Architect: Muso Soseki Patron: N/A
Mt.Vernon Location: Alexandria, VA Year:1754-1799 Architect: George Washingtin Patron: George Washington
Middleton Place Location: Charleston, SC Year: 1741 Architect: Geoege Newman Patron: Henry Middleton
Plan for Washington, D.C. Location: District of Columbia Year: 1791 Architect: Pierre L'Enfant Patron: United States Government
Savannah Location: Savannah, GA Year: 1732 Architect: James Oglethore Patron: King George II
Alexander Ralston Worked under L'Enfaunt and created the design for Indianapolis. Is considered the Legacy of Pierre L'Enfant
Land Ordinance Location: United States Year: 1785 a grid system used to divide the land into parcels. Is why our countryside is in a grid pattern
Northwest Ordinance Location: United States Year: 1787 Architect: N/A Patron: N/A
Monticello Location: Charlottesville, VA Year:1769 Architect: Thomas Jefferson Patron:N/A
Philadelphia Location: Philadelphia, PA Year:1682 Architect: William Penn Patron: King Charles II
Law of The Indies Location: Spanish Colonies in America, Phillipines, Ect. Year: 1573 (King Phillip II) ; 1680 (King Charles II) Architect: N/A Patron: N/A
National Road Location: United States (MD, PA, WV, OH, IN, IL) Year: 1811 - 1837 Architect: N/A Patron: N/A
University of Virginia Location: Charlotteaville, VA Year: 1825 Architect: Thomas Jefferson Patron: N/A
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